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Checklist for troubleshooting Wi-Fi connection problems.

Thanks for the feedback. I also thought to have success with a static IP, but it did not last long.

Since I turned off the notifications two days ago the drops are less frequent. *knock on wood*

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I did not put that in, because I was under the impression that it only addresses the tracking issue.

Of course people can always trynto see if it works.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
With all the things that I have tried my drop-outs did reduce, but were still there.

I also have a time capsule connected to my router via ethernet. I now connect my IPad to the TC to access the internet. I will report back here about any changes.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I have heard that iOS 4.3.3 fixed some peoples problems with wifi. You could always try the upgrade.

Last night I did the static ip address, wifi router to single security vs mixed, notifications off. It lasted through the night with 0 drops.
Today I installed 4.3.3 and am happy to state still no drops.
I'll post back if that changes but I might even ,gasp, turn notifications back on. I miss text notifications on TextNow :(

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Ever since I connected to my TC instead of my Linksys WAG-320 (or before my Netgear DGN834) I did not have a connection problem. So, in my case it seems to be related.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
My problem seems to be a little different. I have had my wifi iPad for about a month and it has worked immaculately. Then about a week ago, in the mornings after I lift my magnetic screen, the Internet is gone. Safari and mail agree. I go to settings, select my router etc. and click on "Renew Lease" and the Internet immediately returns. The problem seems to be reoccurring a little more frequently but the solution is always the same, and works, but is a serious pain. I have a Cisco 3000 (no changes) running mixed mode and WPA2/WPA mixed mode security.
Ronchicago said:
My problem seems to be a little different. I have had my wifi iPad for about a month and it has worked immaculately. Then about a week ago, in the mornings after I lift my magnetic screen, the Internet is gone. Safari and mail agree. I go to settings, select my router etc. and click on "Renew Lease" and the Internet immediately returns. The problem seems to be reoccurring a little more frequently but the solution is always the same, and works, but is a serious pain. I have a Cisco 3000 (no changes) running mixed mode and WPA2/WPA mixed mode security.

Check the router settings, it may be disconnecting the ipad due to inactivity
Thanks. But why is it getting worse? I am keying this message in for the second time since I lost connection a few minutes ago, in the middle of the day. My iPad is set to DHCP and the router has "Client Lease Time" at 0 which means 24 hours. So the iPAd, like the other computers on my home LAN (Windows XP and MAC Snow Leopard) should reconnect as usual. I rebooted the IPad yesterday - no help. I did visit my local Apple store recently and used their WiFi while waiting. Connect automatically there and back home. Could a parameter have got changed? Which?
Ronchicago said:
Thanks. But why is it getting worse? I am keying this message in for the second time since I lost connection a few minutes ago, in the middle of the day. My iPad is set to DHCP and the router has "Client Lease Time" at 0 which means 24 hours. So the iPAd, like the other computers on my home LAN (Windows XP and MAC Snow Leopard) should reconnect as usual. I rebooted the IPad yesterday - no help. I did visit my local Apple store recently and used their WiFi while waiting. Connect automatically there and back home. Could a parameter have got changed? Which?


Have a look half way down, some settings to try out

But looking at that forum, seem to be a few people having issues with it
Putting a static ip address on my Ipad cured about 99% of my problem by eliminating the whole lease renewal and since changing the router to wpa2 only I have had 0 drops in over a week vs many, many per day before those 2 changes

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JJK said:
Ever since I connected to my TC instead of my Linksys WAG-320 (or before my Netgear DGN834) I did not have a connection problem. So, in my case it seems to be related.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

And still connected. With me it really was a com. problem between the router and Ipad2.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I tried everything to get my home wifi to work and nothing. I am calling in the Geek Squad to help me. At least my husband got the laptop to work but not the iPhone or iPad2.
i noticed that my laptops connect fine and ipad2 does not. after many attempts, i changed the router security to WPA/PSK from WEP. for some reason ipad2 does NOT like WEP. i only HAD this problem when i am at my parents house. and this change fixed it! :ipad-peacock:
i noticed that my laptops connect fine and ipad2 does not. after many attempts, i changed the router security to WPA/PSK from WEP. for some reason ipad2 does NOT like WEP. i only HAD this problem when i am at my parents house. and this change fixed it! :ipad-peacock:

I finally gave up trying to get the iPhone and iPad2 to connect to my home wifi. It worked outside the house with no problems. $327 dollars later, it's now working. I needed a new router, needed to connect a laptop and a wireless printer. I forgot that those two items needed to be setup with or without a new router. Oh well, now my bill won't be so high when I surf the web. Glad you got yours to work.:)

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