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Checklist for troubleshooting Wi-Fi connection problems.

Rebooting the iPad worked for me. Thank you so much. I was suspecting it was my crappy BigPond Network Gateway, but for once, it wasn't!
I was watching netflix on my ipad 2 at home, using my home wifi connection, no problems, then suddenly it says no wifi connection. I go to settings and the ipad doesn't offer to join any networks, it doesn't list any. Not ours, our neighbours, not the others we usually see on the ipad.

I restart the ipad, nothing, I restart our router, nothing. Our wireless music system still works fine. I reset network setings on ipad, nothing. I reset all settings on ipad, nothing. I get irritated and just turn it off, leaving it overnight. Now this morning, still nothing. I restart my wireless again, nothing. I tried re-inputting our network details, but it said 'not found'.

Any online tech support I find talks about trouble joining networks, but my ipad can't even 'see' any. What's going on???

Thanks JJK - this one worked for me first off. Great, was days trying to figure out what was wrong.
thanks again

Reset Network settings
Settings/General/Reset/Reset Network Settings. This will NOT delete your apps, music, etc.
Press simultaneously the power and home button for 7 seconds. This will reboot the IPad.
Connect to your Wi-Fi
Hi I am newbie to the forum.

I am experiencing a problem with my IPAD 2 that was bought in April 2011. The wifi reception performance has dropped in the last 2 weeks to the point that unless I am within 10 feet of a wifi router with direct line of sight the signal strength drops like a stone. Even sitting in the next room i am unable to get a signal. All the forums that i have searched only deal with wifi failing completely so have not been of any help. Both the router and ipad have been restarted in line with suggested solutions i have seen on the internet.

I have tested it on other networks including the Apple store in Cardiff with exactly the same effect. The latest software has been installed again but with no improvement. I have also tested the wifi networks that i have access to with other ipads lent to me by friends. Both show no drop in reception on those items.

It was bought in John Lewis but before they started offering the 2 year warranty in July 2011 so it is now outside of it. I am going to try and twist their arm tonight to extend it for me but am not hopeful.

If that is the case it looks like I have 2 options

1. Take the Apple replacement service for failed items outside of warranty but this will cost £199.

2. Look at getting it repaired by a 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] party but I have no experience of this so are they any good.

Has anyone found a similar problem with their ipad and has found a solution or can anyone recommend a company that could repair it?

Look forward to your help.​
I have had problems with a dropping internet connection since day one I had the Ipad. I did a lot of reading and found a lot of suggestions. The strange thing is that according to the answers for some people these individual suggestions helped. In my case unfortunately they did not.

I will try to list done all the things that I have read and or tried myself. If you feel up to it you can try them yourself. Since many threads handle this subject I would appreciate it if you only mention if a certain solution works for you. Not if it doesn’t. If people have other suggestions please feel free to add them.

Before trying anything below make sure your router has the latest firmware.


Reset Network settings
Settings/General/Reset/Reset Network Settings. This will NOT delete your apps, music, etc.
Press simultaneously the power and home button for 7 seconds. This will reboot the IPad.
Connect to your Wi-Fi

Push Notifications:
Princeton IT suggested as a work around to turn these notifications off.
Workaround for "iOS 4.1 - 4.3.3 Allows DHCP Lease to Expire, Keeps Using IP Address" Bug

Use a fixed IP address
Settings/WiFi/click on the arrow of your Wi-Fi connection/Static/
Fill in the IP-address, subnet, routers IP and DNS

Some mentioned that using Google’s’ DNS worked for them
Type this in the DNS field:,

Magnets and electronics do not like each other. It could be that the smart covers are creating some sort of interference. I modified an Ipad case, by adding a small magnet and I do have the feeling (no real proof) that the Ipad disconnects less often without the case. (It still disconnects though.)

The following suggestions require some basic knowledge of your router. I suggest that before you do any of the suggested changes you make a backup of your routers configuration first. That way you can easily restore your old settings.

Since there are many routers available, with each his own layout I will not go into the details. Read the manual of your router to see where you can apply these changes.

Some users have replaced there older router with a new model and this soved their problem.

Dual band
Modern routers have dual band (2.4 and 5 GHz). Try using a single band
Also some routers have a dual range of 20 and 40 Hz. Try switching to 20Hz only

QoS (Quality of Service)
I believe on some routers this is called WMM as well
Some users say switch it on, some say switch it off. I tried both without success

Switch from WEP to WPA2
Today I read on Apple support the suggestion to turn security off and use MAC address access. I have not tried this yet, but will do this tonight.

Power off
Some suggested to reset the network settings on your Ipad (see above) and switch off the router for 60 seconds as well.

If I find other possibilities I will add them here.

Good luck.
Thank you
I started having an issue with my IPad Air connecting to the wifi at home. It would connect elsewhere just not at home. Bought a new router and still cannot connect. Every other device - PC, DVD box, two Samsung phones and a Samsung tablet - connect just fine. Went to the Genius Bar and they reset the network. Went home, still no connection. I reset the iPad back to factory specs, still no connection to router. Did a reset of the router, still nothing.

Any ideas?

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