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Children behaving badly

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henry2 said:
My dad called that move come to Jesus and we are going to have a talk look where he get hold of the neck like that and give you that look and little movement of the hand to remind you that your in a public place .

There is has been a movement in a few state's where place's have banned kids in there place ..

Banning kids from public spaces... And then what, old people? I'm not in favor of that at all. Kids are part of the society too and we'll have to rely on then one day. It's like people getting mad cause a baby is crying... It's a baby, for God sake. Are we so individualist about our personal space that we cannot tolerate a little baby? Anyway, there will always be bars and pubs to hide from them ;)

VicoPad addict!
SweetPoison said:
I get hella mad when I hear a baby crying in a movie.

Just sayin' ~

I have to admit that some places are tricky like movies... But i've seen some of then scheduling presentation for families with babies and young children so that they can enjoy movie time without being afraid of disturbing everyone. People should have common sense also, parents included.

I was thinking more of restaurants, cafes, stores, airplane or trains...

VicoPad addict!
Now we are up to shooting teenages and young adults on sight! Excellent! Oh yeah...I remember all those incidents where authorities just shot kids on sight in the 1960s. Hanging out at school football field. Gathering at some public make out spot. Just mowed down. In cities and towns all across America. What the hell are you talking about? That doesn't even make sense.

And what? Your 8 year old is allowed to touch and adult and point to what he wants? Is he not allowed to speak in public? That sounds SO healthy.

Reasonable people can disagree on how to deal with their kids. But I live in a neighborhood with tons of kids in NYC. TONS. People call it suburbia. And 99% of them are reasonable. If you go to a cafe of a sandwich place next to one of the big playgrounds at noon, yeah, there are going to be some amped up kids in there. On occasion you will find a real monster, usually due to neglect more than anything. There are also going to be crappy parents that bring their kids to a too late showing of a movie. How any of this is a reason to beat on a child? For the most part, the kids are just being kids. Growing up I took a swat here or there across the rear end. I got my ear twisted and tugged on occasion. But beating a child until they stop misbehaving in a public place? Send that kid to school with welts from a belt, and yeah, CPS is gonna come. That's not us getting soft or going to the left, that's just reasonable. Gen X and Gen Y (raised in such squalid permissiveness) are two of the most educated, entrapaneural, productive generations we have ever seen. I for one do not want to go back to the bad ol' days where a select few kids came to school with welts and bruises all over them, starving cuz they were sent to bed without supper and we all turn our heads saying its not our business.

Sent from my Android 3.1 Motorola Xoom Tablet!
Sincere apologies - apparently the last link was rotten. Here is the link right from the WSJ website. Not sure I want to chime in either way on this one - I think most points were made, however I read these posts last night, and then read the following article in the WSJ this morning. Thought to share it with you all:
Restaurant Bans Kids and Wins Fans - WSJ.com
Now we are up to shooting teenages and young adults on sight! Excellent! Oh yeah...I remember all those incidents where authorities just shot kids on sight in the 1960s. Hanging out at school football field. Gathering at some public make out spot. Just mowed down. In cities and towns all across America. What the hell are you talking about? That doesn't even make sense.

And what? Your 8 year old is allowed to touch and adult and point to what he wants? Is he not allowed to speak in public? That sounds SO healthy.

Reasonable people can disagree on how to deal with their kids. But I live in a neighborhood with tons of kids in NYC. TONS. People call it suburbia. And 99% of them are reasonable. If you go to a cafe of a sandwich place next to one of the big playgrounds at noon, yeah, there are going to be some amped up kids in there. On occasion you will find a real monster, usually due to neglect more than anything. There are also going to be crappy parents that bring their kids to a too late showing of a movie. How any of this is a reason to beat on a child? For the most part, the kids are just being kids. Growing up I took a swat here or there across the rear end. I got my ear twisted and tugged on occasion. But beating a child until they stop misbehaving in a public place? Send that kid to school with welts from a belt, and yeah, CPS is gonna come. That's not us getting soft or going to the left, that's just reasonable. Gen X and Gen Y (raised in such squalid permissiveness) are two of the most educated, entrapaneural, productive generations we have ever seen. I for one do not want to go back to the bad ol' days where a select few kids came to school with welts and bruises all over them, starving cuz they were sent to bed without supper and we all turn our heads saying its not our business.

My 8 year grandson has Autism so he does not speak and that how he talk's to us through touching and pointing to the item .

From the 1980's on we have this movement in the US of spareing the rod and telling a child to use your indoor voice or time out is not working and CPS is a joke agency that has no other way of dealing with people because of all most everyone who is been hired is some left nut winger who think's that they know how to raised a child better than you and when asked how many childern they have they go none ..So how do you know how to raised a kid if you do not have them ..

Plus some of those kid who where getting shot was not some kid in the wrong place at the wrong time so of them where mean dirty little a-holes that will kill you from the shoe lace's in your shows type's .. ..

With some kid's the only way had to get through to there mind set was a little tanning of the backside ..Yes the cops and the teacher's back then would been called by the school if little johnny showed up with welt's and a look's like he got a bad butt whipping over something he did ..

Going up in small town everyone know's your business and belive me it would been found out that you father was beating you for no reason .. There would have been something done about by the local sheriff because they used to have a couple of rules that you did not break ..

Back when i was going up in this town the local police and sheriff dept had this basic rule..If i came to your house once about talking to you about your problem of beating your wife or kid then the next time we talk we are to take a drive and have a another type of talk out in the country where there is no people around to have a better understanding of the rules that we asked you to follow here .

My father once got asked to bring me and my dirt bike i had to the police station and i did it what they asked ..They had a person who went over the wall and need to a dirt back to get down some of the trail's this guy was useing to get around in the wood's area where we lived in ..

They asked if they could borrow it and could i give them a quick and basic lesson on how it start's to how to drive it ..My dad had thought i was in some type of trouble but when he found out what they need help with he told to stay and help them as much as they need ..

So for the next four day's as they hunted the guy down with horse's and dirt bikes borrowed from the local kids who had them in the back woods areas of our county .. I was working for the sheriff dept and helping them out with filling up of the gas tanks of the bike or vehicle's or washing them or getting them food or cig & drinks from the store..

I was 14 years old and was driveing a partol car from the station to the local gas station house to fill it up and get the guys thing that they need ..They would call down from the station house and tell them i was comeing with a list and the Mr Green's corner store there in town to fill the list and give it to me ..i was also allowed to get a soda and candy bar as a treat for going to the store for them .

Me and the other kids where working around the station who dirt bike's where beening used at the time was doing things from washing the partol car's to cleaning up the sleeping room and putting fresh bed linen's on the cot's to getting to go along on the outer side areas on partol with the Deputy's to help them as there runner's for thing's

Mr Green used to call us and asked if we wanted to work Sat delivering the order's from the store to the shut in and he pay us cash or gas as we need it for the bike' dureing the summer months for running around town

So my childhood was alot diff because of growing up in a very small rural town and i learned and watched from the local sheriff dept or police dept that there are rules in which we lived in a civil manner to each other

After that i was allways told if i rode my bike in and around the town area to stay off the main road by them or the local police dept ..They never really got onto me about thing's because they knew i was not out causeing trouble or doing drug's or something else at the time..

Sincere apologies - apparently the last link was rotten. Here is the link right from the WSJ website. Not sure I want to chime in either way on this one - I think most points were made, however I read these posts last night, and then read the following article in the WSJ this morning. Thought to share it with you all:
Restaurant Bans Kids and Wins Fans - WSJ.com

There is alot more places starting this trend and it going back to the basis of as a adult i do not want to eat around a unrully child ..
here is something else ..you know you live in a small rural town when you see kid or a boy and his girlfriend at the time rideing a horse into town from the outside to go hang out with the local kid's on main street or at the lake on a sat night .
Now we are up to shooting teenages and young adults on sight! Excellent! Oh yeah...I remember all those incidents where authorities just shot kids on sight in the 1960s. Hanging out at school football field. Gathering at some public make out spot. Just mowed down. In cities and towns all across America. What the hell are you talking about? That doesn't even make sense.

And what? Your 8 year old is allowed to touch and adult and point to what he wants? Is he not allowed to speak in public? That sounds SO healthy.

Watch your tone here. We take a polite respectful discussion very seriously here.

Be careful.
It's like people getting mad cause a baby is crying... It's a baby, for God sake.

I get hella mad when I hear a baby crying in a movie.

Just sayin' ~

I have problems with people bringing babies to movie theaters or people bringing toddlers to a grownup movie, because they could not or would not get a baby sitter. Here I wish people would be more considerate of others, since in this case it's obvious that the children are not watching the movie.
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