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Commenting or completing forms via Safari is horrible!


iPF Noob
Since the release of iOS 7, Safari refreshes constantly. If I am completing a form or commenting on an article, and need to switch to another app, most of the time I lose my work. In some instances, it refreshes even if I stay in Safari. Is anyone having the same issue? I find it very frustrating.

I use and iPad 2, iPad 3rd and 4th generations. They all do the same thing. I wonder if the iPad Air has the same problem. I think iOS 7 is very taxing on the iPad; it is perpetually running in low memory. My iPhones crash all the time. Am I the only one that thinks iOS 7 is crap? People rave about it, but no other iOS version has given me so many issues,

This is a known issue that affects some users. It depends on the website being visited and how many tabs are opened at once, I believe. There is an OS update due out very soon that will hopefully take care of this. In the meantime, people have had better luck with alternate browsers like Atomic or Chrome.

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