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Connecting to TV for downloaded films


iPF Noob
OK, so I bought an HDMI adapter for the ipad, and a connecting cable, connected the iPad to the TV, only to be told that I couldn't play the film I'd downloaded from iTunes on my TV, as it was protected. So what on earth is the point of the adapter? How can I play films I've downloaded to my iPad on the TV? Is it possible? If not, what is the adapter for? It wasn't cheap, and is a complete mystery to me.
That's wierd. Sorry, but I have no idea. I've played downloaded content off the iPad on the tv several times and it worked great. However they were videos captured online and converted via a program for the pc called media catcher.
I've now discovered that you can't play videos downloaded from iTunes! But I can play videos which I downloaded from other sources fine. A great shame tha Apple don't inform you of this when you buy the adapter. It's not cheap, and I think it's pretty rum that they won't allow this. Handy hey! I can't even see a logical reason why.
I don't suppose anyone has found a way round this have they? If not, I just won't be buying any more videos from iTunes.
Waterbabies said:
I've now discovered that you can't play videos downloaded from iTunes! But I can play videos which I downloaded from other sources fine. A great shame tha Apple don't inform you of this when you buy the adapter. It's not cheap, and I think it's pretty rum that they won't allow this. Handy hey! I can't even see a logical reason why.
I don't suppose anyone has found a way round this have they? If not, I just won't be buying any more videos from iTunes.

I don't understand this, I stream movies downloaded from iTunes to my TV via an Apple TV, I can't imagine for one minute that there is some form of protection stopping you viewing them on your TV just because you are using a cable. Hopefully someone else with the HDMI adaptor can chime in?

The Archangel
I don't have appleTv, and don't intend to fork out another £100 to apple just so I can watch the odd video I want to download from iTunes. I think it may just be Apple trying to sell more accessories. There should be a law against this! It certainly should show clearly on the packaging that the adapter will not enable you to show any videos from iTunes.
I think you misunderstood me. Shall we start again......

In your first post you mentioned that it (what?) said that you couldn't play the film because it was protected. This just can't be the case, the film doesn't play on your TV, it's the iPad that it is playing on.....so can you view it on your iPad? If no, then there may be a problem with the movie file itself.

If it can play on your iPad then it plays, period. So now the question is, why won't it appear on your TV. First question, what, exactly, is the error that appears and does it appear on your iPad or your TV? Second question, do you have an iPad 1 or 2? If its an iPad 2 then at the very least it should appear with mirroring? If its an iPad 1 it should still appear on your TV but not through mirroring.

So, let's get those answers together then we can start to work out what is wrong.

The Archangel
Gabriel1 said:
I think you misunderstood me. Shall we start again......

In your first post you mentioned that it (what?) said that you couldn't play the film because it was protected. This just can't be the case, the film doesn't play on your TV, it's the iPad that it is playing on.....so can you view it on your iPad? If no, then there may be a problem with the movie file itself.

If it can play on your iPad then it plays, period. So now the question is, why won't it appear on your TV. First question, what, exactly, is the error that appears and does it appear on your iPad or your TV? Second question, do you have an iPad 1 or 2? If its an iPad 2 then at the very least it should appear with mirroring? If its an iPad 1 it should still appear on your TV but not through mirroring.

So, let's get those answers together then we can start to work out what is wrong.

The Archangel

OK. I think I've got it. when I connected, the iPad was saying
Cannot play movie.
The connected display is not authorised to play protected movies.

I got this message when I connected to either of my TV sets (both are reasonably new). The film was playing on my iPad though.

However, all of a sudden it has worked. I'm not sure why, but I'm getting the film through.

Thanks for all your answers. Now I know that it's possible, I'll keep playing!
That's great news......let us know if you get anymore issues with it, if I remember I'll have a look to see if I can find any similar reports to yours, always good to know the reasons why these things happen.

The Archangel

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