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Copy and Paste


iPF Noob
Using a browser called Puffin because others like Safari and Perfect Browser crash when I visit an Air Canada web site to get flight plans for work.

Can anyone tell me how to copy and paste with this browser? Unlike Safari, I cant just touch the screen and have the copy function pop up. Need to copy flight plan from the screen to then paste into a pdf maker to store and annotate as flight is prepared and actioned.

One way around would be to convert the screen to PDF and then you could use GoodReader to annotate it. Although the following was for Safari, it will work in most browsers....

To convert a web page to PDF in Safari you can use a 'bookmarklet' - a small piece of Javascript that will convert the web page to PDF.

Just create a blank bookmark and enter the text below - in its entirety - in the place where the URL normally goes.


(sometimes, when I paste this bookmarklet into iPad Forum a spurious space gets inserted in the 'http' part of the bookmarklet. It shouldn't be there so, if you see it, you'll have to edit it out.

Now, when you want to convert a webpage to PDF, simply surf to the page you want to convert and select the above bookmarklet. Safari will convert the page to PDF and you'll then be able to save it in iBooks or another compatible app.

Thanks for replying Tim. Unfortunately the only browser I have found that wont crash when I open my flight plan is Puffin Browser. Your suggestion does not work on this browser.
How about trying this (qualifier - I don't have Puffin Browser, so I couldn't test it):

There is a html to PDF service called Joliprint. It's pretty quick and it all happens online. Then, once you get a PDF showing in the web page, you can put a "g" in front of the http:// part and you can open it in Goodreader. That, of course, assumes you have Goodreader... Either way, you get a PDF (or at least I do in Atomic and/or Safari). The web address for them is: Save web articles as PDF for reading later: Joliprint

The nice thing about Joliprint, and the main reason why I mention it, is that you can set it up to convert the web page to a PDF and then have it e-mailed to you. All you have to do is copy the web address you want, paste it into the main body of your e-mail and address the e-mail to: mypdf@joliprint.com

I've done this a number of times and, in my experience, it's pretty quick return. The PDF comes back as a reply to your e-mail. Very neat!

Again, I don't have Puffin Browser, else I'd have seen if this works. But, couldn't hurt to try, yeah?

Good luck.


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