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Create Apps For Webpages With Full Webclips For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad


Super Moderator
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HciMjFoQSpg]‪Create Apps For Webpages With Full Webclips For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad - iOS Vlog 497‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]​

Full Webclips is a tweak that will allow you to sort of make a website app. If you read blogs and other news sites(obviously you do), a lot of them don't have apps for their news posts. So why not make one with Full Webclips?

You can easily go to the website you would like to have an app icon and save it to your homescreen as you normally would. Except for one thing, this time you have a new option to save in Fullscreen. This means that every time you tap that app icon that you just created, the page will open up with no navigation bars, Google search, url, or any of that crap. Useful in many ways to give you an easier read. You can find Full Webclips in the Ryan Petrich repo.

Developer's Repo:
rpetri.ch repo

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