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Delet books from icloud

This is exactly what I am trying to do with iBooks from apple. If I delete the books from the Kindle or Kindle App. they are gone forever. That's just what I am looking for, But with the Apple iBook app I cannot do this. So therefore I do not use this App anymore. I will continue to use the Kindle app instead. thanks for your reply.
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Can anyone help.
I have a new ipad4 and all my deleted amazon kindle books are now transferred to my new iPad in iCloud.
I cannot remember which books I have read and which are new ...I have lots and lots.
Is there a way to see which have been previously deleted or are unopened???
Are you saying the deleted book(s) is still visible on Kindle's cloud or Apple's cloud? I don't know about Apple's cloud, because I don't back up Kindle books that way, but if you delete a Kindle book from you Amazon account, you can no longer see the title on your Kindle cloud or your device (iPad, for instance). You have to delete from Amazon, give it a minute or two, then refresh your device. It should no longer be visible in Kindle's cloud or your iPad.

I know this because I sometimes buy picture books for my young relatives, we read them when I visit, then I delete them because I'll never read those books again once I leave.

I thank you for this post. It was most helpful. I had tried everything on my mini pad, etc. and could not get it figured out. Then I went to Amazon, my account, checked off the books I wanted to delete, then turned off my mini...the whole process took about 10 minutes; then the whole screen shifted and the books I checked were deleted from my mini Kindle's cloud...gone! I am so happy this worked. Thanks again ~
As far as I know there is no way to hide a purchased book (or other iStore media) on the iPad. You used to be able to do this, but it's been missing for a while.

If you have iTunes on a computer, you can still hide purchases there.


In my brief experiment, books hidden using iTunes also became hidden on the iPad.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! FINALLY, an answer to my problem really works! Before I updated my iPad to iOS 6 I found out how to hide some of my iBook purchases on my iPad directly from my iPad. Now I can't do it. With your solution, I hid them from my iPad by going on iTunes on my Mac. But why do I have to go through all of that? I guess I'll be using my Kindle app for future e-book purchases from now on so I have the option of permanently deleting them. Thanks again!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! FINALLY, an answer to my problem really works! Before I updated my iPad to iOS 6 I found out how to hide some of my iBook purchases on my iPad directly from my iPad. Now I can't do it. With your solution, I hid them from my iPad by going on iTunes on my Mac. But why do I have to go through all of that? I guess I'll be using my Kindle app for future e-book purchases from now on so I have the option of permanently deleting them. Thanks again!

No problem.

I don't care if my books stay in the cloud, Kindle or iBooks. I'm an old packrat, especially when it comes to books. I had to give up the physical books due to space, but I like the idea that I can go back and download an ebook again, even if I didn't like it the first time.
I have a similar but slightly different ?? I want to keep MY books that I downloaded on my ipad but don't want them on my kids ipads. I DO however, what them to be able to see books that I have purchased for them. Is there a way to delete books specifically on each divice without permanently deleting them from the cloud or my amazon account? OR do I need to create a separate amazon account for my kids and purchase books on separate accounts? this was the only way I could see that it could be done but hate to have to do that if it's not necessary. Thanks!
I did a bit of reading, and it doesn't appear there is anyway to give someone limited access to your account.

The two suggestions I came across were:

1) Load the books you want on the child's Kindle, then de-register it. This should prevent them from seeing the other books or adding any of their own. You'll have to re-register it each time you want to load more books.

Disadvantage; lots of extra work for you whenever you want to add books.

2) Set up a separate account for you child, but without a payment method attached. You can send them books from your account as a gift, or use gift cards to give them a balance to spend.

Disadvantage: It would not prevent the child from getting free books off of Amazon, so you would need to periodically review the device. Or just keep the password so they have to ask.

There are parental controls on the Kindle Fire HD, but from what little I've read they don't seem to be for ebooks.

I have no other ideas.
Hi, I need help! I just got an Ipad4. I transferred my data from the 3, but when I had to download my previously purchased books, I ended up with 4-5 copies of each book. I downloaded one of each, but can't delete the others. I have a library of several of the same books. Any suggestions?
Thank you!
Hi twerp poet, you seem so well versed in IPAD. I just sent a message saying that when I tried to download my iBooks from ipad3 to ipad4, I ended up with 4-5 copies of each book! I downloaded one of each from the cloud, and I have tried desperately to delete the extraneous copies but to no avail. Any ideas?
Animal stars
Hi, animalstars!

This seems to be a bug happening to many iDevice users. The only way to deal with it (at the moment) is to go to Settings - iBooks, and turn off "Show All Purchases". This way the only options you have in "Collections" in the app will be "Books" and "PDFs". If you want to know what you've purchased, then tap "Store" in iBooks, then "Purchased".

There's no possibility to delete book in iBooks. You can only "hide" them.

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