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Deleting a temp album from iPad Photos app


iPF Noob
In my iPad 3 Photos app, I have an album called Temp. I don't know how it was created, but it contains several photos that used to be in Cameral Roll. I have subsequently deleted these photos from Cameral Roll, but I have tried everything possible to delete them from the Temp album, but with no success. If I go up a level to the Albums folder and click on Edit, there is no option to delete this Temp album. I am trying to do a clean-up on my iPad, but am frustrated that I have a large number of photos in this Temp album that I just cannot delete. The only option I have when I click on Edit is to Share the photos, but no Delete option. Has anyone else seen this? I think this issue might have arisen after I upgraded to iOS 6.
Oh silly me! I have just worked out that the temp album on the iPad was created by synching via iTunes with a temp folder on my PC. Once I deleted the photos from the temp folder on the PC and ran the iTunes sync, the photos disappeared from my iPad. Please excuse my senior moment!

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