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Detective Case and Clown Bot: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon Comes to iOS!


iPadForums News Team
Detective Case.webp

If you’re a fan of the classic Lucas-Arts-style point-and-click adventure games (and more recently, Telltale Games’ spectacular line up), such as Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango, or Full Throttle, then the flamboyantly monikered Detective Case and Clown Bot: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon could be the game for you!

Originally released in December 2013 on Windows, Mac, and Linux, the game has been revamped and upgraded especially for mobile platforms, including the advent of a giant magnifying glass that helps you to find all the clues.

Also included in the mobile revamp are 15 trophies and a leaderboard that can be accessed via Game Center.

The adventure begins with a strange murder that takes place in the Hotel Lisbon, where a man has apparently commited “suicide” with 14 stabs in his back while he is peacefully drinking a cup of coffee.

With the local policeman, Garcia, unable to solve the crime, he hires the legendary Detective Case and Clown Bot.

Nerd Monkeys says that the game is indeed inspired by the aforementioned point-and-click adventures from the 80s and 90s, employing the same design elements and using pixel art technique. The game runs at a native resolution of 256x192, which is the same as that of the ZX Spectrum 48k and the Nintendo DS.

As far as the wacky characters are concerned, Detective Case is known to be the worst detective in the world, with a very rude and gruff manner, whereas Clown Bot would rather be a circus clown than Detective Case’s sidekick. Unfortunately no circus will have him, as he’s afraid of children! Clown Bot also works nights as a stand-up comedian in a bar.

The game costs $2.99, but if you want to try out the humour before you buy, the standalone mini-game “Stand Up Clown” is available for free from the App Store.

Click here to download Detective Case and Clown Bot: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/murder-in-the-hotel-lisbon/id925674340?ls=1&mt=8

Source: Nerd Monkeys

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