Snow white would be proud of you, although you are far from being a dwarf on this forum MikeIt occured to me that I do just have that text sitting around in a file; so I converted it to a PDF and a Word document. I can post the PDF here, and will. You'll have to follow the share link to my Box site to download the Word version if you want it. The forum does not support .docx uploads.
Word version on
Edit:Grumpy addendum. For some reason the examples on the second page did not get copied over when I pasted the text into Pages. As a result the second page is kind of useless. Also, the preview generated at Box looks horrible. However it looks fine once you download it to the computer.
When I'm done being grumpy about this maybe I'll go back and see if I can fix it.![]()
Snow white would be proud of you, although you are far from being a dwarf on this forum Mike
A very merry Christmas to you mate, and the best next year ever!
The dictation feature can learn to recognize your accent and pronunciation over time, leading to more accurate results.Wow this sounds cool. But i bet it’s a pain for people who don’t talk all that well.
Wow this sounds cool. But i bet it’s a pain for people who don’t talk all that well.
Really thank you for these Dectation symbols. It helped me to find the right one for my device.Dictation symbols
Words contained in () are not spoken. If all you see are words in the brackets, then I couldn't figure out a command.
- . period (or) full stop
- , comma
- : colon
- ; semicolon
- ! exclamation mark (or) exclamation point
- ? question mark
- - hyphen
- ' apostrophe
- 's apostrophe ess
- ` back quote (or) backtick
- ^ caret
- ' open single (quotation mark)
- ' close single (only seems works after "open single")
- " open quote
- " close quote
- « open euro quotes
- » close euro quotes
- ( open parenthesis
- ) close parenthesis
- [ open bracket
- ] close bracket
- { open curly bracket (or) open brace
- } close curly bracket (or close brace
- … ellipsis
- _ underscore
- – dash
- – double dash
- — em dash
- – en dash
- | vertical bar
- § section sign
- & ampersand
- ~ Tilda
- + plus sign
- - minus sign
- x multiplication sign
- ÷ division sign
- > greater than sign (or) close angle bracket (or) right angle bracket
- < less than sign (or) open angle bracket (or) left angle bracket
- % percent sign
- ‰ per mill sign
- ° degree sign
- \ back slash
- / forward slash
- # hash tag (or) pound sign (or) sharp sign
- * asterisk (or) star
- $ dollar sign
- ¢ cent sign
- £ (British pound)
- ¥ yen sign
- € euro sign
- ₩ (won)
- @ at sign
- © copyright sign
- ™ trademark sign
- ® registered sign
Really thank you for these Dectation symbols. It helped me to find the right one for my device.