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Dictation Tips and Tricks

As I've become comfortable with it (and I'm not in public) I've been using dictation quite a bit more. That goes double for the iPhone.

It's not perfect, but it is generally quicker to dictate, then correct, than type the whole thing.
Three more handy symbols.

© = Copyright sign
™ = Trademark sign
® = Registered sign

Edit: now added to the first post.
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Dragon Dictation Commands that Work in iOS 6 Dictation

  • Lowercase = when dictating letter by letter, controls the case. Works erratically.
  • Uppercase = when dictating letter by letter, controls the case Works erratically.
  • Caps On = Capitalizes the first letter of all major words: The First Letter of All Major Words (Like for book titles.)
  • Caps Off = turns it off
  • Cap = Capitalizes the next word: Word
  • All Caps = Next world is all caps: WORD
  • All Caps On = all letters are capitalized: ALL LETTERS ARE CAPITALIZED
  • All Caps Off
  • No Caps
  • No Caps On
  • No Caps Off
  • No Space On = prevents all spaces: preventsallspaces
  • No Space Off = turns it off
  • No Space = used to prevent a space between words. Gasstation versus gas station
  • Tab Key = inserts a tab

Edited to include the ON commands and stuff.

And edited yet again to include all the other commands I could get to work from the Nuance, Dragon Diction site.

Edit: Added to first post.
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Letting people who subscribed to the thread know that there has been a minor update to the first post. I added the New Paragraph and New Line commands mentioned in later in the thread.
Updated list of commands with the Numeral command. This forces the next spoken number to be a number character (5 vs five).

I discovered this reading an AppAdvice article by Dom Espocito. It's worth watching the video if you want an introduction on how to use the commands.
WOW, THANKS!!! What a great post TP. I didn't even think about one single one of those things when I thought of translation! What a shock and what a great find that someone, you ( I make a bow to you ) has it all sorted out for me, figured out all the things that I will need before I even knew I would need them! :D
Well, I didn't really discover them, just played around, then put a few different sources together; but you're welcome.

I should probably see if iOS 7 added anything new, but I'll wait a few weeks to see if blogoshpere will do the work for me.
Well, I didn't really discover them, just played around, then put a few different sources together; but you're welcome.

I should probably see if iOS 7 added anything new, but I'll wait a few weeks to see if blogoshpere will do the work for me.

Have you downloaded the new IOS already?
Have you downloaded the new IOS already?

Yes, and installed on both devices: iPad 3 and iPhone 5.

I'm already having problems remembering where things were in iOS 6. Well, actually I've always had problems remembering where everything was, but before the upgrade I could check to see if I was wrong or right. ;)
Aloha thank you very much for this post. it is greatly appreciated thank you for sending you to me. I have it under my bookmarks and I'm trying to figure out how to copy and paste it into Word document and put it on my desktop that is possible. I don't have to do anything on the iPad and I've had it for over a year. there's nothing like Android which is all I ever had. but I finally have to learn this IOS operating system. this book certainly help.

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