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Did you Jail Break your iPad?

I didnt know that his name is Marie... Then Its two Marie's in this thread.

Marie and JeffMarie.

Hilarious. Pardon, Scott. He tends to jump the gun at times, but he is a sweetheart!

I thought your explanation to Jeff was "spot on" as my Canadian friends say! I love reading your posts, as they are very simple and even I can understand what you mean!

Not an easy task, I assure you.:o:D
I have my iPhone JB and love it. I love the windows 7 theme (has some really good looking, basic icons) and options to control the phone.

Thought about JB the iPad but I just got it Friday and with the new update soon coming out I'll just wait for that then the JB for it.

I'm right there with ya! I love my iPad the way it is but I just can't seem to shake not JB.
All this discussion is just that. A discussion, Scott. I never said in my OP that I want to JB.

Even though you know I go back and forth. And we both know there will be a JB for OS4, matter of time ~ Greenpoison is about to be released for 3.2 ~

The point of THIS thread was to find out if the ones I communicate here on the board, if they had JB or not. Or plan too.

That is all.:)
I know its just a discussion my darling Marie.

Sometimes I think jailbreaking is like gun control and abortion. People think what they are going to think and there's no changing their mind. Actually, its probably more like religion. The faithful don't need proof that god exists and the non-believers will never believe that god exists!
First time I JB'd my iPad it crashed and locked up within an hour. The second time - same thing. I listen to the iPad show via podcast - they're having problems all the time with freeze-up's, etc. and relate that it's because their iPad's are JB.

Needless to say - I don't need to JB.
I jailbroke originally on 3.2.1. A few weeks back my ipad acted funny n basically forced me to hook up to itunes. So i had to restore with mandatory newest firmware, 3.2.2 i had sooo much good stuff from cydia n rock. Im only really missing the backgrounder for multitasking. Im happy with it. Ill end up waiting for new 4.2 release thn probaly jailbrake again. Might not have to , if the update is good enough. I just loved having my customized UI with winterboard. Like the TRON or NEXUS ONE.
Off subject but if u dont know, a good app to turn ur ipad into a phone is Whisperphone. Its free. Gives ur ipad its own number and u can forward those numbers to ur cell or up to 5 different numbers. Call anywhere in the states for free. Incoming free. Crystal clear also. Does have advertising but for free app to turn ipad into phone, its not bad. Its like my universal number. If i dont want to give people my cell num., i juss give them my whisper number, cuz it automatically forwards to my cell. For free of course. ;-)
I am pretty sure that Marie (aka SweetPoison) will NOT be jailbreaking her iPad any time soon. I recently acquired this small piece of spy cam footage from her office --


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