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Did you use a full 64 gb on your Ipad ?

I only have about 3 gigs left. A few days ago I had about 25 gigs but then I got the av player which plays mvks. So I loaded a few of my 720p mkvs to watch.
Wolfpuppies3 said:
Your memory is fixed at 512 meg, that's not changeable.

Memory and storage are the same thing. They are both flash memory. If you are talking about the difference between ram and regular memory (the 16, 32, or 64 gbs) then they are the same.
graywolf said:
Memory and storage are the same thing. They are both flash memory. If you are talking about the difference between ram and regular memory (the 16, 32, or 64 gbs) then they are the same.

Uhmm, no. Memory and storage are NOT the same, and are entirely different in terms of how they work on a computer, and should not be used interchangeably. That's exactly where so much of the confusion comes from.

Memory, also known as RAM, is a more volatile form of computer memory which in the iPad is comprised of SDRAM circuits (not flash memory), and there are usually about 20+ native processes on iOS running at any given time when the iPad is active. When you start an app, this is where it 'runs' and when you multitask between apps, this is where they are switched in and out of active memory. iPad1 has 256 MB and iPad2 has 512 MB of RAM.

Storage, also known as disk space, is the amount of space on your device to store apps and other kinds of data including music, videos and ebooks. These are stored on flash memory on the iPad, which is why it runs so much faster than, say, a laptop with a spinning hard drive. On both generations of iPad, storage comes in 16, 32 and 64 GB options.
tzimisce said:
Uhmm, no. Memory and storage are NOT the same, and are entirely different in terms of how they work on a computer, and should not be used interchangeably. That's exactly where so much of the confusion comes from.

Memory, also known as RAM, is a more volatile form of computer memory which in the iPad is comprised of SDRAM circuits (not flash memory), and there are usually about 20+ native processes on iOS running at any given time when the iPad is active. When you start an app, this is where it 'runs' and when you multitask between apps, this is where they are switched in and out of active memory. iPad1 has 256 MB and iPad2 has 512 MB of RAM.

Storage, also known as disk space, is the amount of space on your device to store apps and other kinds of data including music, videos and ebooks. These are stored on flash memory on the iPad, which is why it runs so much faster than, say, a laptop with a spinning hard drive. On both generations of iPad, storage comes in 16, 32 and 64 GB options.

No need for a long explanation, I know how flash memory works.

My point was, that essentially they are the same. Flash memory. Ram has a highway to the CPU and is used more often.
In the two 1/2 months since I've had it, I generally use 30 to 35 GB, so I'm glad I went for the 64 GB. Most of the space is TV shows. I'm religious about deleting them after I've watched them and I am also careful about other file usage. I don't want to start bumping up against the limit and having to delete every time I do something, but I have no doubt that, over time, my usage will creep up.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Nope I didnt expect to just yet. When I start loading it with movies than it'll start to fill up. Right now I got about 26GB remainging and I have about 15GB of music on it.
Both my iPad 1 and 2 are nearly filled to 64GB. I want more, more, more storage. My music alone takes up about 32GB, and I have lots of photos I don't have room for.

I could limp along with less storage, but I'm not interested in moving things on and off, and I'm no fan of cloud storage.

I don't put any music on my iPad. I use Stream To Me to listen to all my music from iTunes. Unfortunately this only works on wifi.

What have you against cloud storage? It's a wonderful way to back up your files and you can stream in 3G from anywhere. I use Amazon MP3 and I love it (on my Droid 2).

I like to control access and security to my content. I don't care if you like cloud storage; I'm not looking to convert you, lol. Personal preference is just that. Besides security issues, stuff like this happens:

Amazon Offers 99-Cent Lady Gaga Album Again (with New No-Crash Promise) - Techland - TIME.com
Wolfpuppies3 said:
Your memory is fixed at 512 meg, that's not changeable.

Memory and storage are the same thing. They are both flash memory. If you are talking about the difference between ram and regular memory (the 16, 32, or 64 gbs) then they are the same.

They are not both flash memory. Flash memory persists or retains its contents when the power is switched off whilst RAM (Random Access Memory) loses its contents. The data stored in flash memory must be transferred to RAM before the computer (or iPad) can use it.

This thread is about the flash memory or storage available on the iPad. I am sure a lot of people would be very upset if when they restarted their iPad it lost all the data and apps they had.
graywolf said:
No need for a long explanation, I know how flash memory works. My point was, that essentially they are the same. Flash memory. Ram has a highway to the CPU and is used more often.

But they are NOT the same, and making such sweeping incorrect statements only adds to confusion and misunderstanding. Hence the explanation - which is also for the benefit of everyone else.
My current 64GB iPad's storage with about half my music library, a few movies, etc.


Agree with others here, in the case of storage (for an iPad or any computer) buying the most you can afford at the time is a very good rule of thumb. In this case more is better IMHO.
I'm about 50% through. Could be full up, but I'm embracing iTunes (still hate it) and using syncing and memory management an awefull lot.

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