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Direct wireless printing

Does anyone know wether the new iOS will have the capability to print directly from the iPad to a wireless printer (without going through a router)?

The reason why I am asking: I'd like to set up a wireless enabled printer (brand does not matter), at a location where there is no wireless network, no router, the printer would not be connected to a WLAN network. I then would like to send a print job from the iPad directly to the printer.

A situation may be this: When travelling, printer and iPad both with me, no wireless network to connect to. Then I need to print something. Open up an app on iPad, and send directly to my printer that sits next to me on a desk or so.

All applications I have seen to date require to connect a printer to a wireless network, and then connect the iPad to the same network. This may not always be possible.

Any thoughts on this?

Not unless you also have a computer handy (laptop or desktop) that you can create an ad-hoc wireless connection with. Its the network that allows the iPad to find the wireless printer.
If your wireless printer is on the same network as your iPad then you will be able to use on the of the EuroSmartz apps,

PrintCentral is one of the most popular (that's what I have) and it comes with a load of other features and functions.
I am thinking that the new HP printers have software that allow direct printing from the iPad. Older printers will have to go through a computer to print.

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