I certainly hope that there is a level of freedom of speech here. Forums, by nature, are for users to express their valid but often controversial or unpopular opinions. What I think you meant is that moderators have the right to edit those who have crossed the line or are not following the rules, re-track those who have hijacked threads, and remind users to be kind to each other. Personally I don't think sarcasm should be so heavily-handed called-out by the moderators as in this case the poster (although perhaps a bit negative) and right or wrong in your mind did make a valid point. Unfortunately, the world is full of morally corrupt people who would not return a lost iPad if they found one, even with a phone number prominently displayed. That we wish it otherwise does not make it true. Nor, I think, should it be so heavily moderated. If being pessimistic or sarcastic on this forum is going to be closely monitored and chastised then a new approach should probably be considered. (You’ll lose a lot of users with that philosophy.) People like Mark Twain or Kurt Vonnegut, were they alive and members of the forum, wouldn't last five posts here. Of course, this is only my opinion and subject to moderation.