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Distance measuring tool in google Earth


iPF Noob
Have a (aviation) business need to constantly determined distances between points on a map. Unfortunately the iPad does not seem to have this feature transferring into the iPad map program. Any solutions ? In actuality, even Google Earth is a compromise so would love to hear of any nice Apps that allow me to use an existing map or nautical/aeronautical (or even a roadmap or Geopolitical map) to determine distances - and maybe even some other nice features as well. Thanks . . .
Have a (aviation) business need to constantly determined distances between points on a map. Unfortunately the iPad does not seem to have this feature transferring into the iPad map program. Any solutions ? In actuality, even Google Earth is a compromise so would love to hear of any nice Apps that allow me to use an existing map or nautical/aeronautical (or even a roadmap or Geopolitical map) to determine distances - and maybe even some other nice features as well. Thanks . . .

Hi, take a look at h**p://itouchmap.com - this website has a distance measuring tool which you access from the web not thru an app, might help ?



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