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Do most apple stores still have decent stock of iPads?


iPF Noob
Hey guys I am purchasing my iPad this week as mentioned elsewhere. My plan is to pick it up locally at an Apple store. Anyone know how stock is? Is it a known thing that stock is out or very low? I am going to call my local store tomorrow but figured Id ask if someone knows right off the bat.


(Looking for a 32g Wifi)
I would be there first day they open. At earliest time as all stores are on allocation so no one knows how long stock willl last

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Different stores will have different demands. I would call and see if they had the model you want in stock. You may want to check more than one store.
Yeah I purchased mine at best buy it's perfect if you are in the reward zone program! Over here in new england there are still a decent amount at the apple and best buy stores.
Lots of Ipads still left,? what you smokin' !?

I live in CT. near R.I. and I tried ALL of the Apple stores in Mass, RI, and CT. and they are ALL out of EVERY Ipad. AND Tried the same at ALL the Best buys too. ZERO! AS of 4/23,24,25th. I'm about to give up an order one online. UGH!
Apple store at willow bend mall in Plano, north of Dallas, seems to have plenty of WIFI ipads....I just wish they had some SD card readers.
A small update my local apple stores are out but are expecting a shipment in the next couple days. (Probably same shipment as the 3gs)
I got a 32gig at Westfarms Mall, CT., but what a fight....

I called to see if they had any and they said that they only had the 32 and 64 gig models. I asked if they could hold a 32 gig for 1 Hour. I live about 60 miles away, and I already made a wasted trip up there last week when they said they had plenty but were out the next day I went. They said no, they don't hold them for anyone , it's first come first served, UNLESS I left them my email address earlier to reserve one, then they could hold it for 24 HOURS!, no down payment was needed. SO, I said ,if I give you my email address, and you email me back, I have 24 hours to pick it up. "Yes, they said. But you can't now hold one for 1 HOUR? "That's right" they said. So I said, ok, here's my email address." Nope, I have to go to the store to give them my email address. Even talking to a manager did not help. I called Apple and told my story to Magen Alexander. I told a different manager( they seem to have 4 ) that, and he finally agreed to break a cardanal rule and hold one for me for 1.5 HOURS!!(Chris,the manager , was very nice, the other premadonas were not) You'd think I wanted their first born!

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