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Do we need the 3G on the ipad? or is wifi sufficiant.

I bought my Ipad last May and since AT&T service here is not great thought about options. We have wifi all around in my small city, from our DT square to drs. offices, to car repair waiting lounge to grocery store, Home Depot, fast food places, libraries, etc. But, in addition, Verizon was offering the Palm Pre Plus with free mobile hot spot for several weeks then and it was just time to renew our contract with new phone so went with that and wifi only 64GB. I do very occasionally tether when we are traveling but not often. When our contract is up in about 13 mos not sure what I'll do. It will be about time for gen 3 and I'll likely upgrade then so may go with Verizon 3G or perhaps in gen 3 they may be standardized. For now, I'm glad we went with wifi only(added another 32GB wifi only for husband in August) and mobile hot spot. Next time I'll have to rethink it LOL.

craig1912 said:
Simple answer is yes-I don't have 3G phone and use ipad at work and in car where there is no wifi

If your area no wifi that is fine need 3G .

My point is - if your area where alway wifi present what is a point use 3G.

If there no wifi present so use 3G model it is will be great usefully.

since every town or city, some village alreadly has wifi which more fast that 3G and what a point if there wifi.

For me I will get 3G for gps navigator and back up if there no wifi area as I like hike walk around or travel around which might need 3G just case

I sure million users more use wifi at home or cafe etc there have wifi. Where 3G waste some people money.

I worry some iPad user waste money. They need research their daily life before bought 3G model
i've never had 3g on any device before, and will only need it about 3 or 4 times a year, if that. but i thought hey, why not, sod it.

If any more Welshmen join the forum we will have to start an all Welsh Choir.:D


aye. a close harmony singing app is needed :)

what other Welsh peeps are here then? i know of none. i do know the Scotts are invading though. now that is worrying. :)

Me for one! and i grew up around Penarth!
If you don't need 3g, never will, but would love to have true GPS functionality Bad Elf makes a unit for about the same as the difference between wifi only and 3g that plugs into the 30 pin port.
I went with a 3g unit because to me it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Had there been a manditory data plan I'd have gone wifi only and hot spot from my phone

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The fact that 3G is generally not that great on mobile phones is the reason I didn't get a 3g iPad. I can only imagine it being a painful experience waiting for pages to pop up on the iPad. And how slow would it be when the signal drops from 3G to edge or something.
The fact that 3G is generally not that great on mobile phones is the reason I didn't get a 3g iPad. I can only imagine it being a painful experience waiting for pages to pop up on the iPad. And how slow would it be when the signal drops from 3G to edge or something.

I live in a rural area where there are maybe three WiFi spots in town, all AT&T. In some communities there's no 3G, only Edge - which isn't all that bad, although inside some buildings, it's like dial-up on Valium.

Still better than nothing - and 3G is supposed to cover the area this summer.

Obviously I opted for the 3G because my iPad goes where I go and it's nice not to have to search for WiFi.
Mountainbikermark said:
If you don't need 3g, never will, but would love to have true GPS functionality Bad Elf makes a unit for about the same as the difference between wifi only and 3g that plugs into the 30 pin port.

That looks like a great, great addon to an iPad or an iPod touch. The GPS was the only reason I even briefly considered the 3G version. Thanks for the information.

Time to start saving my shekels!
I have wifi at home my work and usually any other place I visit (ie friends,Starbucks,panera) so I just used the money I had and upgraded to a 32g and I'm happy I did. The extra space has come in handy.
I got just the wifi version because my main usage is at home or friends. I have the tethering option with my htc evo. I may go that route for when I'm work or whatnot.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I didn't go for 3G purely because I already have a mobile contract. I guess the pay as you go option is there, but on the whole I'm happy with 64GB wifi.

I don't know how much 3G PAYG costs to run, but I imagine if you use it a lot then it could become quite expensive. Most places I go have a wifi network I can use, and I have yet to be found searching desperately for a connection
Vintage90 said:
I didn't go for 3G purely because I already have a mobile contract. I guess the pay as you go option is there, but on the whole I'm happy with 64GB wifi.

I don't know how much 3G PAYG costs to run, but I imagine if you use it a lot then it could become quite expensive. Most places I go have a wifi network I can use, and I have yet to be found searching desperately for a connection

This is difficult for me! I got the wifi version because I have an iPhone 3GS and didn't want to pay twice for something I've got already but I don't seem to have very good 3G reception around here, where I work or live. I know others do but I live in the country and mainly get 2G. I'm on O2/Tesco because it was the cheapest deal at the time, probably still is but maybe someone could suggest another supplier who knows which works well in my area! I have checked all of them on their coverage maps and this suggests the opposite to me! Confused!

I'd like an iPad 2 with 3G but would this work for me! When in Yeovil, which is the local town for me, it works brilliantly in the shop, but when I get home, zilch! That was a 3G dongle for my laptop. I wasted money on that I'm afraid so went BT instead. Any suggestions?

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
Andyvalver said:
The fact that 3G is generally not that great on mobile phones is the reason I didn't get a 3g iPad. I can only imagine it being a painful experience waiting for pages to pop up on the iPad. And how slow would it be when the signal drops from 3G to edge or something.

I bought a 3G model and must admit I'm more than surprised with the speeds I get from the '3' 3G network. Way faster than I ever imagined. I went away last week for a few days on a boat on the Norfolk Broads. Most of the time we were in the middle of nowhere. The vast majority of the time I still had a decent 3G signal. I couldn't believe it.

Like most I'm on wifi, but with a cheap PAYG sim, the 3G functionality really does come in handy from time to time and I'm not locked it to a contract. I actually bought a 3 micro sim from eBay that gives me 3gb over 3 months for just £8.99! Bargain!

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