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Document transfer between iPads


iPF Noob
Hi. I am after some advise on the above. Both me and my husband have an iPad and we use the same iTunes account but under different iPad names. I have a lot of documents in keynotes that need to be transferred from my iPad to his.
I can see these documents in the keynote app in file sharing section at bottom of iTunes. When I connect my husbands iPad I can still see them but can't seem to get them on to his iPad.

Can anyone help?

I don't have the keynote app. But it sounds like you are connecting your iPad, seeing the keynote files there, unplugging yours and then connecting his iPad?

If thats the case, then the problem would probably be that the files arn't saved on iTunes or your computer.

Theres probably a way to copy the files from keynote to your computer while your iPad is plugged in (either a copy button in the file sharing section, or maybe they can just be dragged to your desktop), then you can plug his iPad in and drag the files into his keynotes.

Thats how the apps I have with file sharing work anyway. :)

Another way, may be by using dropbox. Whatever you put in the dropbox folder will be accessable from any iPad,computer etc. As long as they have the dropbox login details. But then if you have alot of files, it could take awhile to upload them.
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Thanks for response. I can see the documents in iTunes when my husbands iPad is connected but they don't seem to appear in keynote when you open it on the iPad, even though they are on iTunes.
Ok, just in case you don't know, even though you've used File Share to transfer the files to Keynote, they will not show up until you actually do an import in Keynote. Just tap the import icon in the document view and choose iTunes. You should see the files there.

If that isn't it, I've got no idea what is going on.
The FileShare 'Sent to iTunes'/'Copy from iTunes' does not work directly between multiple devices. It is merely there to save files onto the desktop. But the file does not appear for any other device than the one which exported it to iTunes.

It is still possible to transfer files via iTunes from one device to another, it is just slightly more complex.

So here is a complete walkthrough of transferring a .doc from iPad 1 to iPad 2:
-on ipad 1, open Pages and use Sent to iTunes
-connect iPad 1 to the computer and sync with iTunes
-select the iPad in iTunes, go to Apps tab, scroll down to Filesharing, select Pages, highlight the .doc and click Save to..
-save the file somewhere
-connect iPad 2 to iTunes
-click on iPad 2 in iTunes, go to Apps tab, scroll down to Filesharing, select Pages, and choose Add..., browse to the folder, where the .doc was saved to

(.doc can be any file in question, and the process is the same for Numbers/Pages/Keynote)

It is important to note, that the Save to, Add process is vital, as simply exporting to iTunes doesn't make it available to other devices synced with iTunes.

Now this is rather tedious process and it may be easier to use Dropbox.
Would emailing the keynote presentation from your iPad to your husband's email account to download to his iPad work?

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