And we all know no one dare calls Jack Bauer a sissy!
It depends on your definition of a man bag. Mine is just big enough for an iPod Shuffle...
I use a Targus made for a net book. It stores the iPad in it's Griffin case, a camera and accessories, a GPS, cell, chargers and knick knacks...
It looks more like a photographer's carryall than a bag.
I don't know, but if I get the money to buy one of these, I'll be all over them. Look up Temple Bags. These things are awesome. Made with reclaimed WW2 uniform materials. Apparently made to order. I have to say, in the grand scheme of things, these are worth the money.
The only thing guys look truly silly in (I'm female) are those horrible fanny packs. Those leather or canvas messenger bags? Now those make you all look very nice.
I'm gunning for either the all leather or the leather and green canvas. Love them both.