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Don't read other iPad forums. Stick with iPF


iPF Novice
Stick with iPF for secure and none damaging information. I'll give you a few reasons why.

After doing the JB on my ipad the directv app stopped working. Another forum stated that directv saved your UDID# and will permanently block the app from working even after you restore to out of the box state. That information was false. Guess what, I found no such bad info here at iPF. :thumbs:

Downloaded the 5.0.1 restore 732mb file from another site, well guess what, it didn't work. I downloaded the one here at iPF and it worked. :thumbs:

Other forums DO NOT have the quality of tutorials like iPF has. Good job Mods :thumbs:

Other forums are a total mess and not categorized like iPF is which makes for better forum searches. :thumbs:

Other forums do not have an iPad app like iPF does. :thumbs:

Need I say anymore...

Thanks iPF :o

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Excellent post, Randy!
Yes this forum seems to be the best !!

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.01Update From NYC using iPF
I will do just that. Good action here, good people to talk with, and minimal nonsense. And, the app for the forums is freegin kewl!
We just all get along-this is a wonderful, highly organizes forum. Very knowledgeable mods, super mods and members!! I support what you stated Randy, 100%!!
Another plaudit from here. I've indicated before that compared to another iPad forum I frequent, iPF is blessedly free of juvenile fanboy defensiveness. I'm very fond of my iPad despite constraints that annoy the hell out of me at times. It's great to have a forum where one can vent at times, discuss competing devices, or even defend a particular feature on the iPad without worry that the discussion will degenerate into personal attacks.
I totally agree. I love my iPad, but lately, I have been using my computer almost all day instead of my iPad just because it's limitations are really starting to show through.
And, I am fine with it. I am probably going to buy a MacBook Pro next instead of iPad because a Mac can replace both my iPad and windows computer.
My iPad is just a fun device, when I need work done, and don't mind the extra luggage, I will grab my laptop.

But that was an off-topic ramble.....

On topic;

Yes. iPF is great because "Brats" like me are kept under control. :)
Yes wonderful post Randy and I totally agree, the quality of the information here is brilliant. It's pretty special that we can all come here to learn and share in such a friendly environment in this day and age. Kudos go to all our members who help to make it so! :)

Sent from my iPad using iPF
this is the best forum and web site for the ipad on the whole wide world net. all u guys and gals are the best. and iam learning really fast bout the ipad
this is the best forum and web site for the ipad on the whole wide world net. all u guys and gals are the best. and iam learning really fast bout the ipad

As you keep learning, you can start to help others. And before you know it, you will have over 3,500 posts and two years invested in this forum.
That's what happened to me! :)
I agree that this is the best iPad forum I have found. That being said, objectiveness can only come from looking at all of the sites and making a judgement call based on that information. In the beginning, several web sites jumped onto the iPad bandwagon, and I have looked at most of them. I feel confident that one of the reasons why the site works is from the managers looking at other sites and using the best features they find. They should be congratuated on a fine job.
I totally agree. This is not just the best iPad Forum, this is also the most amigable forum I am participating at.
No fluffy answers, never mind how stupid my questions have been ;o)

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