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Doomsday Preppers (G5 Entertainment) Tips, tricks, and codes.

I just entered in camo code and got the school. The problem is the floor is red but it put in people that are purple and it is listed as a workshop category. I know that the game is buggy but thought that this was odd!
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Add your friends to your bunker, if their specialty isn't the one you're looking for or their ranking isn't high enough kick them out and move them in again. Every time you kick them out their specialty and ratings change when you add them again! Keep the ones you need, kick out the rest, and continue... It could be time consuming but it works!!!

*If you see that a particular friend gives you lower ranking preppers repeatedly, choose a different friend (I think there is a correlation between your friends' progress in the game and the ranking they can have as preppers when you add them to your bunker).
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What's the secret to having so much gold and cases and diamonds? I've sent out dozens of friend request and very few get accepted but I accept all that I receive. I spend too much time waiting on gold to buy floors and then too much time waiting for cases to unlock jobs.
Is there any fast way of geting first aid kits? (besides buying them with real money)
You get supplies from friends. You can only get them once every 24hrs. but there are no set limits on the numbers of friends. I suggest going to the Friends area of this site and looking for the Doomsday Preppers thread. I would start with the most recent entries, they should accept your request faster.

Good Luck!
I have a strange situation (I think) with one of my preppers. When I click on the shelter he's in, he shows up as one of the 5. His specialty is Dairy and he is assigned to my dairy, along with two other preppers. When I click on the dairy, it shows 2 full spots and one empty that would let me assign another prepper. But with him in there I can prep items that need 3 preppers. The "issue" is that although it's a specialty he's only at 4. I'd love to train him but he doesn't show up as someone I could train. Has this every happened to someone? I hate to kick him out, since he's got his specialty floor, but I don't want a low-skilled prepper forever. Thoughts or ideas?
same thing happend to me the only way to not kick him out is reassign everyone in the room

It gets odder...I have one of the preppers in that room trained to 10, the other at like 5. When I click to train her, the trainer goes up to my invisible guy and the little blue lights shine on him. I will try reassigning everyone else and then putting them back and see if he is "really there".
I don't know if anyone has posted this tip yet, but you can do the same thing with your bunker friends that you do with the VIP's. I add them to my shelter, and kick them out until they have a specialty I need. You get a lot more instant preps that way.
It gets odder...I have one of the preppers in that room trained to 10, the other at like 5. When I click to train her, the trainer goes up to my invisible guy and the little blue lights shine on him. I will try reassigning everyone else and then putting them back and see if he is "really there".

Okay, in case it happens to anyone else, I clicked reassign and he showed up in the room's list of preppers. Then I just put the other two back into the room and he was still there.

On another topic, is there a list anywhere of all the available rooms of each type? Are the premium rooms you can buy ones you COULD just end up with randomly or do you have to buy those in order to get them? Like the Panic Room, for example, which is the premium floor I'm offered now. Is buying it the only way I can get a Panic Room or will it eventually show up as I buy other rooms?
I have a problem that I'm hoping you can help with. I currently have no one left in my "Move in a friend (Facebook)" list to add to my new bunkers.

I have been adding more players by entering their bunker codes, many of which appear to be on Facebook because their FB profile pic is displayed. Is this normal behavior for the game? I could have sworn that earlier in the game I was able to populate my "Move in a friend" list simply by adding new bunker codes. But now the only way I am able to populate the list is when I accept a friend request from another player who has entered my bunker code in their game?

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated! And if I am misunderstanding how to add new players to my "Move in a friend" list, are there any other options for adding new players that I haven't mentioned?

Thanks much!!
New Promo Code!!!

I have not seen this on posted anywhere else
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They aren't really your friend until they accept your friend request(which is what entering their bunker code in your bunker is). Once they accept your request, then you can use them in your bunker and get supplies from them.
Good Luck!

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