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Doood, I found some!


this forum is a very good one,but not just by accident .
just the cross over of Android and iOS users by itself is a potential flame war in itself waiting to happen.
my hat is off to the mods here, whoever you are. Tapatalk doesn't show user titles.

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The OP reminds me of the guy who was in line in front of me on launch day and after they handed us the folder containing the model he looked at me and complained about why he was stuck holding a 16 gig model when he wanted a 32 gig model. I told him to keep it since they were out of 32 gig models so he walked out the store after handing the folder back to the manager.
The OP reminds me of the guy who was in line in front of me on launch day and after they handed us the folder containing the model he looked at me and complained about why he was stuck holding a 16 gig model when he wanted a 32 gig model. I told him to keep it since they were out of 32 gig models so he walked out the store after handing the folder back to the manager.

Can you blame people for getting the one we want? I can wait a couple extra weeks for the bigger version. And yes my post was a bit all over the place, but thats the beauty of the anonymity of the internet, I can look like a moron online and no one in real life will ever know...

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