Viviane, you completely misunderstood, or at least I have no idea what you're not agreeing with because I agree with you for the most part (to me, Poppy qualifies as a big spender already, and that's totally fine, but I believe there are others spending more than he does). All I'm saying is that if BFS wanted to kick the cheaters out (which I wish they did), then at some point it would be very difficult to decide, based on in-game-numbers and achievements, who did not play fair (I don't want to use the JB word) and who paid a lot of money to get to what they're at. A cheater can be smart enough to always use up their ill-gotten gems and coins and would look no different than somebody with a loose pocket book. At this point a lot of resources would have to be used to find out who did what...and I just can't see BFS doing that.
The point is that it is super easy to spot the obvious cheaters but where's the point where you're not sure and what would BFS do then?