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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

I finally have my first clover sitting in the hatchery now! Was almost tempted to buy one. Last night, I just breed my flower/moss and slept. I dare not look at the long hours that it might give me. To my surprise when I woke up, it finish breeding and it's a Clover! That is after so many attempts..

Yay! I knew you would get it! Congrats! :thumbs: Are you going to try for 2?
Ok so I had to jump on the bandwagon and post a pic of me!!!! I think it's nice actually to see who we are talking to lol x x x

Edit : this was taken at my brother in laws wedding

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Awwww...great pic! Is that your boy?
Ok...this is me...

Finally after breeding mondo (my moss) and petal (my flower) seemingly endless times and getting tree after tree finally my second clover is cookin! Nw I can get back to using both caves for rainbows again. I've switched from firefly/seaweed to blazing/mud and now I have a cave tied up w a panlong. I also recently tried reindeer/sonic and love/cold with no success. Trying to decide whether to stick w those or try something new... Decisions, decisions.

Yay! Congrats! :thumbs: You will get it. Keep at it. :)
Re Fletches impressive "how to" report, just a side note, breeding 36 panlongs will take you 54 days, provided you set a pair to breed immediately after one is finished. So, around mid may you can start with the other breedings lol
My advice, level up all hybrid dragons you have to level 15 first and then make a list of what you have and what you need.
Easy job with spreadsheets.
For my part, i don t think i could sell a dragon which has taken 2 x 36 hours to get, you get attached to these little beasts.
Ah, and give you some kind a reward when you achieve a step towards the shrine. For ex. I put another golden stone around the shrine each time i have 10 more dragons towards the 50 required. Kind of showing that i make progresses.
Since its quiet on the breeding front and I'm just killing time until my 48hr breed finishes (another 12 hours) to find out if I indeed FINALLY have a sun (fingers crossed), I thought I'd jump on the computer and upload the promised (ages ago) pics of of my birthday cake efforts starting from my son's 2nd birthday cake - That one was my first ever effort and you can see by his 5th birthday cake that I am actually getting better at it. His 6th birthday is in late April and I've been given the challenge of doing a Ninjago lego samurai character (at least they're kind of squareish so it shouldn't be too hard!!??). Anyway, a bit of fun while we're not doing much with our islands!:eek:

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Oh, those are way cool!!! :thumbs: Another talented baker! :)
Caved in and bought a clover out of frustration the other day, and just bred and got a second one.

Kinda like those couples who want kids but can't seem to get them and they finally adopt. And then presto bango they get pregnant LOL

Lol Good way to put it! Congrats! :thumbs:
Fletch_smf said:
Interesting ... Flames are always red, sir. It's the Fire Element. There is no known egg with blue flames. Can you post a picture?

The eggs can be viewed at http://dragonvale.wikia.com/wiki/Eggs


Ok I guess the flames are red this i's what I'm talking about I always look at the thinner lines running up and down as the flame no biggie I'm just a little off lol

My lucky streak continues! After breeding my first panlong yesterday, I got my second one today with just one mud in between! I also got my elusive seaweed, so I'm well on my way. Happy dance!
GT500Girl said:
Yay! I knew you would get it! Congrats! :thumbs: Are you going to try for 2?

Yup, I wanna try for second one. Not giving high hopes though.. One is good for now.. Hahaha
Re Fletches impressive "how to" report, just a side note, breeding 36 panlongs will take you 54 days, provided you set a pair to breed immediately after one is finished. So, around mid may you can start with the other breedings lol
My advice, level up all hybrid dragons you have to level 15 first and then make a list of what you have and what you need.
Easy job with spreadsheets.
For my part, i don t think i could sell a dragon which has taken 2 x 36 hours to get, you get attached to these little beasts.
Ah, and give you some kind a reward when you achieve a step towards the shrine. For ex. I put another golden stone around the shrine each time i have 10 more dragons towards the 50 required. Kind of showing that i make progresses.

That's great advice Viviane. Might follow that. I need a break from Pan's. Have exactly 24 occupying one island and halfway on four shrines. With next to nothing on the other three. Got a throw a curveball at this game sometimes to keep it fresh.

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