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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

wow I miss 200 page from my last post. Get carried away with Three Kingdom :). I lost some of my friends list in DV but not in GC, does anybody ever experience this before? and what's new in DV now? any new dragon that is not in the market yet? it's a bit boring lvl up shrine right now..
Brooklyn11220 said:
The update is very cool but it's too easy I got them all on first tries. But the good thing is that they are fast breeds compared to most of the dragons we have 1-10hr cold/metal breed time 2-6hr cold/plant and water/metal 2-5hr metal/air and metal/fire 2-4hr lightning/metal and metal/earth and 1-30min lightning/plant and 1-8hr metal so enjoy and Breed on!!!!

After hearing how easy they are to get, shall be so teed off if I can't breed them. Kim
StormEvans said:
I stand corrected :)

Well maybe they should make fire and metal opposites then, and remove the negative boost of ice to fire. That way we'd have all couples.

Plant <-> Ice
Fire <-> Metal
Earth <-> Air
Lightning <-> Water

You were so close here, btw. They did change things up. Plant and Metal are opposites and Fire and Cold are opposites.
You were so close here, btw. They did change things up. Plant and Metal are opposites and Fire and Cold are opposites.

I know :p
I read the notes and went "Yes, I called it!" and then I started thinking "Wait...darn!"
Hehe :)

On a sidenote...any idea why the plant/lightning hybrid turned out to be a cactus of all things? :p
angel2all said:
Well the hat collection thing LIES!!! It shows everyone in my list to have bronze shrines and only lvl 10 dragons. I know there were several who had gold shrines and many dragons with orbs and some with crowns!!! How disappointing. :(. Also, can't seem to get the Lichen dragon. Cold and tree got me a 12 hr breed time and cold and seaweed got me a 14 hr breed time. Another :(

April :) GCID Servant 16:9. daughter1 GCID Angel2all daughter2 GCID Servant to one

Cold and plant got me mine

Sent from. Tricia xoxo
drdragonlady said:
Jack, following site has images of all DV eggs but the new ones aren't there yet. Also, if you set up free account you can set up your own breeding log. Also page on each dragon gives you % of number of hatchlings reported with each breeding combo. I stumbled over this site but use it a lot now. I am simply a DV fan who has found it v helpful. http://dragonvale.cyphun.com/eggs cheers, Kim

Thank you for taking the time to post this link. Very kind, and much appreciated.

Have fun!

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Segbert said:
Is hubby going to be home for the Easter egg hunt? If not it would be a great photo with everyone wearing their mask. You probably did it and cropped the kids out. Lol

No he won't and yes we took one all together...I look like a deranged bunny lol!
Fletch_smf said:
Added a habitat from early on so you now have 29 habitats at Level 30.
Small Metal habitat, 10 hours to build, holds 25 000 and 2 dragons
Large Metal habitat, 20 hours to build, holds 125 000 and 4 dragons
Shrine and Boost for Metal Dragons
New flag and 'Shard of Tull' decorations
No-one with a Gold habitat has confirmed they still have them, but when you visit others islands they're all bronze.
Level 30 is still the max.
Plant is now Metal opposite and vice versa.
Fire and Cold are now opposites.

Mine is still Gold. Is this what you were referring to?

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ilUli said:
Oh dang! Nobody look at mine!!! I just spent hours to re-name them to make it easier to count them in the HC and to breed them :eek:

LMAO... I did the very same thing, including a post just like this. I started naming them (ex: love1, love2) a couple of months ago, because I was getting confused when counting and breeding.

After reading the original post about the names, I flipped over to DV and went to my friends, finding the dragon names are actually the type of dragon, not the name we gave them. WHEW... I'm safe from others lol'ing and thinking "WTH has she done". LMAO I'm sure others would be confused cuz they don't all have a "simple" name.

Good Luck & Happy Breeding

TommyB said:
You'll also notice that buying a new shrine always counts all the dragons you've already done, even if you've sold them. For example, if you got twenty earthy dragons to ten and sold them all, all before even buying the shrine, the shrine when you buy it will still count them towards your total. Kind of weird how the app keeps track of that, can't think of why.

Dina's it always been like this? When I got the air shrine, I had already sold a bunch of hybrids w/air and they were not counted. Maybe because it only counts the ones AFTER the shrine appears in the market?

dragonwish said:
Poppy can you please invite my 6 yr son? He is dragonrowan - thanks so much! My 5 yr old was boasting that he had the "bird master" as his friend and my 6 yr old was turning green with envy! They were checking out all the new dragons in your island and were watching the volcano blow. My 6 yr old saw your eggs and said, "mama, can you call the bird master and tell him his eggs are ready!" :)

How cute!
Call me silly...or maybe it's new....but this morning, my volcano decoration was erupting and I've never noticed it before...is that a new thing?
Got both the new plant type dragons bred, and I think I'm up to the 4th metal element dragon, but not speeding any of them up at this point, just taking my time.

Just tested this, and it is not the case. It is keeping track of the ones you currently have on your islands. If you sell one before you buy your shrine, the total decreases by one. It has always been this way.
Strange behavior. It keeps track while it's still in the market and unpurchased. It keeps track if it's been bought and you sell dragons. But not if it's not been bought yet you sell dragons?
Fletch_smf said:
Yeah boosts have been adjusted now we have 8 elements. Fire and Cold are opposites with each other. Plant and Metal are now opposites with each other.

Will this effect the way any of the other dragons are breed?

VeeLund said:
Call me silly...or maybe it's new....but this morning, my volcano decoration was erupting and I've never noticed it before...is that a new thing?
Got both the new plant type dragons bred, and I think I'm up to the 4th metal element dragon, but not speeding any of them up at this point, just taking my time.


Nope not silly... It is new

Sent from. Tricia xoxo

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