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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

ilUli said:
Hehe, the spice rack thing is brilliant! I love that you would notice...my hubby doesn't even know where it is ;)

I think most of us here have some form of OCD when it comes to DV, I know I do. Not in real life tho. I have a neighbor who does...he drives around the block 7 times every time he leaves the house.

That has to get $$ now it's the cost of gas these days! Ouch..

Fletch_smf said:
If you've got 2 you can easily breed another, but I'd hang on to it to save the 4 day breeding time unless you definitely don't have room in your HC.


GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
mjtyler said:
Thats would be funny if I wasnt so intimate with OCD
Wow thats tough (laughing out loud at work (sorry), everyone is staring at me)
OCd is all consuming hey, I would die if my hubby did anything like that to me...it would literally be the end of the world...his world as he knows it....gone....kapoof.....no more!
Hey Jack....dont make her mad......

I have a friend with OCD. She has to set/check all 3 of her alarm clocks 7x before going to sleep at night! There must be a thing with OCD and the number 7. It seems that most things that effect her OCD happens in 7's. It drove me nuts when I first met her, now we just laugh about it.

mjtyler said:
Im not OCD like that but i need to have everything perfect, everything unmarked, everything in its place, my cupboard organised by item so jeans with jeans, shirts with shirts, tshirts by colour, my car has to be spotless, my iphone and ipad are vicitims of constant cleaning because of the finger marks, I park in the same spots when i go out or shopping and go to the same shops, shop in the same order, i wont push buttons at lights or in lifts.. I could go on but wont, so you can see there are a few variations on OCD and i believe i got much worse after i hit 40..
scary stuff

I think I have a type of OCD when it comes to my husband. I will ask him the same questions over and over until 1, he actually gives me an answer, or 2, the answer is what I WANT to believe is true. Wow, I never thought about it actually being OCD, but just realized I do it to my kids at times too. Maybe I will mentions to the dr today. I'm thinking my husband would be glad to know that I don't do it on purpose. LMAO!
Did you ever regret doing that? I'm not sure you ever explained what got into you :)
Why did you do that exactly? I believe I missed the explanation . . .
I only really liked one of my islands - the forest path one. Was coming up on a new island soon. LYD had just come out-ish. Figured a fresh start would be neat. So I sold every dagon except rares/limiteds, kept also my first dragon ever (Fido the Plant dragon), sold every decoration and building and habitat that you can (kept shrines, colosseum, couple boosts, gem tree, HC, some things you can't sell), stated over from scratch.

The thing wasn't about getting money for me, or more of the same dragons. It was about chasing after the dragons you need. I saw all the folks really enjoying (and being frustrated by not getting a dragon is part of the enjoyment, you realize) chasing after Love, Rainbow, Moon, Sun, Sandstorm, then especially LYD, etc., and realized that I could extend that to all the dragons from scratch.

I like my new islands much better. Still working on two of them, and kinda waiting to earn more money to finish etc. And I still don't have all the dragons. Off the top of my head, I still need Sandstorm, Frostfire, all but the basic Metal, couple others. Slowly going after all silver shrines - still need Water, Air, and Metal, which are also the three elements I don't have all the dragons for yet/again, so it all kind of works together: the thrill of the hunt + happier with my islands + new Metal dragons + shrines. Not as mathematically interesting a system/goal as some of Mr. Smurf's posts, but definitely a system accomplishing many goals in a very synergistic as well as enjoyable manner. FGI.
Jack, following site has images of all DV eggs but the new ones aren't there yet. Also, if you set up free account you can set up your own breeding log. Also page on each dragon gives you % of number of hatchlings reported with each breeding combo. I stumbled over this site but use it a lot now. I am simply a DV fan who has found it v helpful. DragonVale Breeding Guide, List and Database - Dragons with their egg pictures cheers, Kim

That is so great! I was just thinking if only we had a chart just like this. Amazing. Thanks!!!
Omg, I cannot even imagine having more than one relative going through what my MIL is going through. It's really rough :( Fortunately my niece is a saint, she has incredible patience with her grandma.

Stay strong!

Thanks - it has been a long year! My father was diagnosed with ALS last spring and has been declining rapidly. My step MIL is battling Ovarian Cancer at 78 and is doing remarkably well considering. My MIL is battling severe sinus infections which normally require surgery, but she is opting out. So instead she is taking high doses of strong antibiotic. Most of the mental issues are related to their meds or treatments and/or their diagnosis. They all live in other states, and I've been traveling quite a lot to see them and help out.

It is wonderful to have a supportive family isn't it? Your niece sounds great.

It's an interesting exercise this life we all live, isn't it? A philosopher (Nietzsche, maybe) said what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. So far, so good :)
tristan97tfj said:
So i sold one of my sun habitats, i had three, there was a sun dragon in it, should i keep it tor should i sell it?:(

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

Keep! You never know which direction this game will take in the future.
I've noticed with the new update that when I visit other people's islands I can't see what dragons are being breed - anyone else noticed that?
Just redid all my islands, cost me more than 10 million, hope you like it, tell me your thoughts:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)


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