Did you ever regret doing that? I'm not sure you ever explained what got into you
Why did you do that exactly? I believe I missed the explanation . . .
I only really liked one of my islands - the forest path one. Was coming up on a new island soon. LYD had just come out-ish. Figured a fresh start would be neat. So I sold every dagon except rares/limiteds, kept also my first dragon ever (Fido the Plant dragon), sold every decoration and building and habitat that you can (kept shrines, colosseum, couple boosts, gem tree, HC, some things you can't sell), stated over from scratch.
The thing wasn't about getting money for me, or more of the same dragons. It was about chasing after the dragons you need. I saw all the folks really enjoying (and being frustrated by not getting a dragon is part of the enjoyment, you realize) chasing after Love, Rainbow, Moon, Sun, Sandstorm, then especially LYD, etc., and realized that I could extend that to all the dragons from scratch.
I like my new islands much better. Still working on two of them, and kinda waiting to earn more money to finish etc. And I still don't have all the dragons. Off the top of my head, I still need Sandstorm, Frostfire, all but the basic Metal, couple others. Slowly going after all silver shrines - still need Water, Air, and Metal, which are also the three elements I don't have all the dragons for yet/again, so it all kind of works together: the thrill of the hunt + happier with my islands + new Metal dragons + shrines. Not as mathematically interesting a system/goal as some of Mr. Smurf's posts, but definitely a system accomplishing many goals in a very synergistic as well as enjoyable manner. FGI.