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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

I "think" I've figured out my confusion about the shrines. Remember when we used to comment that the bronze shrines looked better than the gold ones? As I recall the bronze ones were attractive because they had contrasting relief and the gold ones were kind of blah because they were solid gold. Now the gold ones look great because they have contrasting relief also. Am I right? Did BFS change the look of the gold shrines? Or do I need to go back on my meds?
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Redecorated a couple of my islands! Rather happy with the layout. Gonna keep working on the rest of my islands tomorrow. Not sure what to do with my 1st island... Any suggestions? Btw, i cant move my portal cause of the egg statue! Ive given up on boosts. The dragons will make what they make. I just want my islands to be aesthetically pleasing. Comments welcomed ^_^

Tiffany xoxo
Love them all. Will comment later or tomorrow.
mc_neeze said:
Looks good Tiffany, Quick question how did you get that egg statue on the portal? Always confused me.

Twas a glitch from when i first started reading this forum. It was mentioned so i tried it. Had it on all my islands, but the glitch was removed and i didnt realise until id moved the others for an island refurb. Lucky i still have one :) i think emma_soji has 3 or 4

Tiffany xoxo
ilUli said:
Tiffany, your white island is really pretty. This one's new, right? You also redid the volcano island and here I have a suggesion/question: why not add a couple more lanterns along the sides of the earth habitat to fill that gap? It just seems to me like the whole side should be covered. Otherwise it's nice. That new volcano is so much more fun :)

Have fun tomorrow :)

Thanks ilUli! I like my ice island too. I see what u mean with the lanterns. They were left over from how the island looked before and i dont think i got around to adding the extras it needed. Have fixed it now :D

Tiffany xoxo
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TommyB said:
Love them all. Will comment later or tomorrow.

Cool! Thanks Tommy! I loved your crystal island btw! Meant to comment earlier and got caught up redecorating and forgot! But the others are right. You could write a book on your islands! So much detail in your writings. It really takes you there!!

Tiffany xoxo
TommyB said:
Yeah, a page ago or so, Fletchy Smurf posted a comparison between selling a dragon from his habitat or selling him right as you hatch him from the nursery. The number displayed is what you'd get from the habitat, but on some dragons it's a different number if you sell right from the nursery. It's a glitch, and until it's fixed the Iron dragon actually sells for 500K more from the nursery than from a habitat. Whonk whonk whnk bwip fwip meow fillurk.

Yeah but this is the magnetic one not iron and it's selling for 250,000 less than it says so I thought ppl should know that this isn't a good option while it's glitched x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
I "think" I've figured out my confusion about the shrines. Remember when we used to comment that the bronze shrines looked better than the gold ones? As I recall the bronze ones were attractive because they had contrasting relief and the gold ones were kind of blah because they were solid gold. Now the gold ones look great because they have contrasting relief also. Am I right? Did BFS change the look of the gold shrines? Or do I need to go back on my meds?
Have an aspirin :)
On my island the gold shrine is still gold, the silver silver and the new metal one bronze.
You only see everything bronze when you look at other gamers islands. This plus the missing colosseum, the dragons levels.
Something must have happened within the two hours following the update as i visited your islands and you already had a metal habitat, dragons etc, your shrines were gold, your colosseum was there. Couple of hours later it was bugged.
Maybe it has to do with some upgrading to higher resolution offered by the new ipad?
In any case it is a bug and quite a big one and it is now 48 hours and they have not found how to mend it.
Cox780770 said:
Oh well good luck x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Ok take a look... I just can not get it right.. I am trying to get that metal look kinda like a factory...

Sent from. Tricia xoxo
I "think" I've figured out my confusion about the shrines. Remember when we used to comment that the bronze shrines looked better than the gold ones? As I recall the bronze ones were attractive because they had contrasting relief and the gold ones were kind of blah because they were solid gold. Now the gold ones look great because they have contrasting relief also. Am I right? Did BFS change the look of the gold shrines? Or do I need to go back on my meds?

Sorry, sir, you need your meds. The dragons have always had parts that remained "silver" for want of a better word. They stood out on the Bronze and Gold ones better than the silver, obv. The Gold ones were never solid gold all over. There's bound to be pictures in this thread before the update if someone wants to go searching for them. In fact you should have some from screen shots you've posted. Should be easy enough to check.
Okay, Fletch, heres my shrines right now and what I need for silver. Can you put a plan together for me? Cuz I'm lazy?

Air: 25/50
Water: 37/50
Metal: 10/50

Dude, 3 Shrines that can all interbreed with each other? Make it hard next time.

25 Chrome
13 Rust

Leaves you 2 Metal dragons to get. Magnetic are quickest breeding AND highest earners so I'd make 2 of those. I'm actually going to experiment with a Large Metal Habitat with 4 Level 15 Mags double boosted to see what kind of earning they can produce. I don't jump online to check every hour to clear an Earth Habitat full of Panlongs, so I figure if there's more than 75k in the Metal habitat when I check it it's actually a better earner for me.

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