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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Cox780770 said:
Lol have you had fun decorating your new island I will have to have a little look in later x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

I will sit down tonight and do it.... Today is just too crazy

Sent from. Tricia xoxo
New Baby Island

I wanted to see if it was possible to create a Baby Island with one of each dragon represented. I came close - there's one dragon missing. A gem to the first person who can identify the missing baby. :)

I believe it's a plant? Just a plain old regular plant. 87% sure
ilUli said:
Whew is right, that was close, wasn't it? And btw, my dragons have the same names as yours. It really helps me avoid breeding the wrong dragons, especially late at night or early in the morning when I'm barely awake enough to see. I once bred a Panlong with a frostfire instead if another Panlong. Had to waste 12 gems to get them out of the EBI :(

I have breed the wrong ones too! Wow we are so much alike!! Lmao

Redecorated a couple of my islands! Rather happy with the layout. Gonna keep working on the rest of my islands tomorrow. Not sure what to do with my 1st island... Any suggestions? Btw, i cant move my portal cause of the egg statue! Ive given up on boosts. The dragons will make what they make. I just want my islands to be aesthetically pleasing. Comments welcomed ^_^

Tiffany xoxo
Redecorated a couple of my islands! Rather happy with the layout. Gonna keep working on the rest of my islands tomorrow. Not sure what to do with my 1st island... Any suggestions? Btw, i cant move my portal cause of the egg statue! Ive given up on boosts. The dragons will make what they make. I just want my islands to be aesthetically pleasing. Comments welcomed ^_^

Tiffany xoxo

Tiffany, your white island is really pretty. This one's new, right? You also redid the volcano island and here I have a suggesion/question: why not add a couple more lanterns along the sides of the earth habitat to fill that gap? It just seems to me like the whole side should be covered. Otherwise it's nice. That new volcano is so much more fun :)

Have fun tomorrow :)
Redecorated a couple of my islands! Rather happy with the layout. Gonna keep working on the rest of my islands tomorrow. Not sure what to do with my 1st island... Any suggestions? Btw, i cant move my portal cause of the egg statue! Ive given up on boosts. The dragons will make what they make. I just want my islands to be aesthetically pleasing. Comments welcomed ^_^

Tiffany xoxo

Looks good Tiffany, Quick question how did you get that egg statue on the portal? Always confused me.
Fletch_smf said:
That's way too soon. 4th of July is more likely, imo. BFS will have a sketched out plan for DragonVale for the rest of this year at least.

When did dragonvale start, were probably looking for a 1 year anniversary sometime:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
tristan97tfj said:
When did dragonvale start, were probably looking for a 1 year anniversary sometime:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

Should be coming up in a few months

Tony GCID troutfisher10
tonygtech said:
Should be coming up in a few months

Tony GCID troutfisher10

All my goals are complete once again almost to level 30 so illbe able to get my last island.... Looking forward to better updates!! :)

Tony GCID troutfisher10oops didn't mean to quote my last past lol
I love the Iron dragon glitch, hope it continues a while. The high productivity from breeding along with the CGCF gives me all the gold coin production that I need. I have 28 Rares in the HC, including 12 Rainbows and 2 Goldies, but I don't feel any sense of urgency to deploy them.

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