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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Elljo35 said:
Has anyone breed a metal with anything else yet?

I'm thinking what to breed my first metal with.any suggestions?

I have now bred 3 metal dragons. Seems easy. I bread purrs of lightening, plant and water with metal. Got the new metals
Anyone know how I could email backflip with my idea for the gem dragon? I know how to email the support but just for ideas?

Michael GCID M.P Meyer
Birdmaestro said:
Glitch was gone when I tried it.

Edit: Tricky... When you sell it from the Nursery it states that you will receive $1.5M, but when you sell it your account is credited with $2M.

So the glitch is still on, right?
Happy rye?

Yeah, nobody is gonna get that one. Sorry.

I'll have a crack at it :p
Rye is a form of wheat? And cats purr when they're happy. So I'm guessing bread could be purring because the rye was happy?

I'm not making much sense here am I...better shift the focus elsewhere

Look here's a bread purse!
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Has anyone noticed that a small air habitat houses 2 dragons and earns 6,000dc while a large houses 4 dragons but only earns 10,000dc? If u had the space it would make more sense to have 2 small airs rather then 1 large.

Tiffany xoxo
phibes74 said:
Ok that was not nice.... I got gold in the colosseum and this is what happened.....

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=11849"/>

Bs..... Complete bs

Sent from. Tricia xoxo

Breed some metal hybrids! The xp is like 1.5 mill a dragon!!

Tiffany xoxo
Vivipilou said:
Hello Tiffany, i used a cold and a plant, thus the two basic dragons. Takes 6 hours to breed.

Didnt realise they had changed the opposites. Duh! Felt like a dummy when i realised!!

Tiffany xoxo
Has anyone sold a magnetic dragon if so did you get 1.5 mil for it as I have just sold one and only got 1,250,000 it said I.5 mil on the sale prompt but I didn't get it I know as I only had 20.000 DC when I sold it x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Has anyone sold a magnetic dragon if so did you get 1.5 mil for it as I have just sold one and only got 1,250,000 it said I.5 mil on the sale prompt but I didn't get it I know as I only had 20.000 DC when I sold it x x x
Yeah, a page ago or so, Fletchy Smurf posted a comparison between selling a dragon from his habitat or selling him right as you hatch him from the nursery. The number displayed is what you'd get from the habitat, but on some dragons it's a different number if you sell right from the nursery. It's a glitch, and until it's fixed the Iron dragon actually sells for 500K more from the nursery than from a habitat. Whonk whonk whnk bwip fwip meow fillurk.
Okay, Fletch, heres my shrines right now and what I need for silver. Can you put a plan together for me? Cuz I'm lazy?

Air: 25/50
Water: 37/50
Metal: 10/50

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