Mmmh, I have a problem that most people wouldn't call a problem. A couple of days ago, trying to breed a frostfire which is the last dragon I need (that is, before the metals appeared) I put a cold and a firefly and got my first 48 hours which turned out to be a sun. Excitedly, I bought my sun habitat and now I just have 10 hours for it to hatch. Also, I bought two metal habitats so I can fit all those new dragons, but that left me with no more possible habitats for now ( mind you, I'm only at level 22). Anyway, today I decided to breed the metals in my normal cave and keep trying for the frostfire in my EBI, but I just got another 48 hour!!!
Now, while I'm happy about it, specially because its not another sun (bred at night) I am forced to sell one habitat if I want that new dragon. And if I keep trying for the frostfire with the same combo, I'm afraid (so to speak) to get yet another 48 hours with no habitat to put it into and also with my EBI blocked for two days. Yeah, I know, its a problem everyone would love to have, but my question is if there's a combo to get a frostfire that doesn't give you a 48 hour "mistake" (sounds ridiculous, I know).
Also, I'm JUST starting level 22, and with the reference of how long it was to get through level 21, I'm pretty sure its gonna take some time to level up and get another habitat, so I would prefer to avoid rares right now, if that makes an sense! Cheers.