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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

ilUli said:
I think it is dled, with an L, not died. At least thats what it says on my screen.

I think this means they are keeping track of the xp we are getting, and it shows the level we would be on if they only let us :)

Woohoo sounds good x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
ilUli said:
Does anybody else who's using the iPF all have this problem: the keyboard is now in the center of the screen instead of at the bottom? This is especially annoying when I'm quoting somebody's post, because the text doesn't scroll up, so at some point I end up writing under the keyboard.

Try deleting and reinstalling the app Hun mine buffered up a while back I did that and it was fine again x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
TommyB said:
Not to pick nits, but I'm pretty sure he detailed them all. Pretty sure the info is there.

Yeah he did tommy ,so you can come and pick nits all you want lmao I must of been haven a blonde moment sorry Hun x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
demonioazul said:
Mmmh, I have a problem that most people wouldn't call a problem. A couple of days ago, trying to breed a frostfire which is the last dragon I need (that is, before the metals appeared) I put a cold and a firefly and got my first 48 hours which turned out to be a sun. Excitedly, I bought my sun habitat and now I just have 10 hours for it to hatch. Also, I bought two metal habitats so I can fit all those new dragons, but that left me with no more possible habitats for now ( mind you, I'm only at level 22). Anyway, today I decided to breed the metals in my normal cave and keep trying for the frostfire in my EBI, but I just got another 48 hour!!!

Now, while I'm happy about it, specially because its not another sun (bred at night) I am forced to sell one habitat if I want that new dragon. And if I keep trying for the frostfire with the same combo, I'm afraid (so to speak) to get yet another 48 hours with no habitat to put it into and also with my EBI blocked for two days. Yeah, I know, its a problem everyone would love to have, but my question is if there's a combo to get a frostfire that doesn't give you a 48 hour "mistake" (sounds ridiculous, I know).

Also, I'm JUST starting level 22, and with the reference of how long it was to get through level 21, I'm pretty sure its gonna take some time to level up and get another habitat, so I would prefer to avoid rares right now, if that makes an sense! Cheers.

Do you have the HC you could always keep unwanted rares in there until you lvl up x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
So guys I had the and others message today so if you sent me a gem within 12 hours of this post and your name is not included in the pic can you please let me know thanks guys this I what I get for sleeping lmao x x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26


  • image-1972825184.webp
    33.8 KB · Views: 221
Quoting this because it seemed important that others read it.

Going to do some testing on this combo. Or I am in the middle of it, more importantly, to check results against Air + Mud.
How are you going with testing Fletch? I got another Iron for my first try and would be interested to know whether I should keep trying. Fails are short and profitable, but useless if the combo never works. Be pleased if you could let me know. Thanks.
StormEvans said:
I'm going to feel silly asking this but whatever..
How do you take such nice snapshots of the game? I haven't seen an option to take screenshots myself...

Hols the home and lock button down at the same time

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
angel2all said:
On an iPad or an iPhone you can hold the home button and power button at the same time. That takes the picture. Then when you reply to thread you simply use the little + button on the top purple bar to add the picture from your library. Does this help at all?

April :) GCID Servant 16:9. daughter1 GCID Angel2all daughter2 GCID Servant to one
Never mind lol:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
M.PMeyer said:
Anyone know how I could email backflip with my idea for the gem dragon? I know how to email the support but just for ideas?

Michael GCID M.P Meyer

Id just try emailing support

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
dizdizdizzy said:
Okay, I have gone back over my previous posts and I listed this glitch on page 1479. The actual quote that came up on my screen said that "level 32 failed" I guess backflip are struggling with this one because it now reads "level 32 died.". ..... We live in hope!dde01

It actually reads dled with an L:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
ilUli said:
I think it is dled, with an L, not died. At least thats what it says on my screen.

I think this means they are keeping track of the xp we are getting, and it shows the level we would be on if they only let us :)

Ooohhh, why does everybody have to post stuff before me:(

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
ilUli said:
Does anybody else who's using the iPF all have this problem: the keyboard is now in the center of the screen instead of at the bottom? This is especially annoying when I'm quoting somebody's post, because the text doesn't scroll up, so at some point I end up writing under the keyboard.

Well, if you are on ipad, then you hold the button in the bottom right corner (its a pic of a keyboard) and press dock when options come up, it should now be at the bottom:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
Bmo321 said:
I don't believe anyone has suggested this yet . . . My apologies if it's a repeat . . . Try holding down the keyboard button on the keyboard (lower right corner) it gives you an option to dock (undock if the keyboard is "docked" at the bottom of the screen) or split the keyboard. If you choose "dock" your keyboard should position itself at the bottom of the screen.

Hope this helps.

Never mind!!!!:(

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

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