Is there such a thing as an optimal habitat vs boost layout? I now have my last island and have been trying to figure out which habitats are best with which others and the boosts, without too much negative effect on the dragons.
My brain has now officially blown a fuse and I cannot work it out.
The only important ones are the high earners, and that's really only if you are regularly clearing their habitat before it fills up. Adding 20% to a dragon with a base earn rate of 130 coins per minute is going to Net you much more than adding 20% to a dragon earn 35 coins per minute. With that in mind:
Plant, Lightning & Air Boosts are wasted on their habitats because they hold so little and fill up so fast anyway. So use them on hybrid dragons in other habitats, keeping an eye out for their opposites. Use Lightning in the Earth Habitats to boost Quake Dragons or Cold Habitats to boost Storm dragons, but be aware that Mud and Ice/Iceberg dragons are going to take a hit so you should move them to a different Island if you can. If you can't for whatever reason, then just remember that Quake at 59 is gaining 12 coins a minute whilst Mud at 35 will lose 7 coins a minute, a Net Gain of 5 coins a minute. The figures are almost identical for Storm (59) and Ice (36) in the Cold Habitat, though Iceberg earns 53 so you're closer to a break even proposition thought still slightly ahead. Of course if you have 2 Quake Dragons and only 1 Mud Dragon your Net Gain is 17 coins a minute, and so on. And these calculations are for Level 10 Dragons, and the higher the level of the improved dragon the better off you are again.
Personally I'm about to put the Lightning Boost with my Metal habitats, and fill one with 4 x Level 15 Magnetic Dragons. These will be double boosted to earn 68 coins per minute each for a total of 272 coins per minute for the habitat. I only check to collect coins about every 6 hours, morning, lunch and evening, when I put my 6 hour Pumpermelons into my Treat Farms. They'll generate about 98 000 coins in those 6 hours, meaning I can collect more from them then my Panlong/Earth habitats which max out at 75 000.
The Plant Boost is best used on Clover Dragons in Earth Habitats. Next choice is Swamp Dragons in a Water Habitat. Love, Flower and Poison in a Fire Habitat is also good, but as Fire caps out at half of the value of a Water Habitat, it's the weakest option.
Air Boost is best used on Fog Dragons, so place it on your Water Island.
Cold Boost used to be ideal with the Cold Habitat, because it positively boosted the high earning Blue/Frostfires and didn't negatively affect them. That changed with the new update, so we found ourselves in a position of needing to move the Cold Boost away from our Cold Habitats. The only decent earning Cold dragon is the Iceberg, so place them in your water habitat, and place your Cold Boost there.
Earth Boost has been kept from the Earth Habitats since the Panlong came to town, because it negatively affected the Air portion of it. Generally the best idea is to have Earth Habitats on 2 Islands. Panlong on one (which I'll get to shortly) and Quakes and Clovers on another with the Earth, Plant and Lightning Boost. If you can't manage that, than Boosting Muds in a Water Habitat is probably your next best bet.
Fire & Water Boosts have been used exclusively for Panlongs since that dragon hit the market. Giving a double boost to a dragon that earns 193 coins a minute at level 10 is such an enormous advantage that any negative consequences that you get from using these two boosts for this, and only this dragon, dwarf into insignificance. Poppy's Chinese Gold Coin Factory (Patent Pending) perfected this set up with an island populated exclusively by large Earth habitats, each housing 3 Level 15 Panlongs. Each habitat has an output of over 1200 coins a minute, and literally tens of millions of coins are collected each day. There is now no other way to use these boosts. It is important to note that only these 2 boosts should be used on the Panlongs. Air and Earth boosts boost act on the negatively, and should be removed from the Panlong island.
Metal Boost is only for the Metal habitats. This species of dragon is such a low earner that a single boost is not going to help them peform well in any other habitat. Leave it on your Metal Island, and make sure there are no Plant dragons on it.
Collecting Coins from the Habitats is a big factor on your boost usefulness. If you're not able to collect coins every couple of hours, then you will find that your habitats are generally full when you get to them anyway and the boosts are unimportant. What you should do in this case is to see which habitats are not filling up and seeing what you can do about placing higher earning dragons in them, or moving boosts to help. As I can not check regularly, I have moved half my boosts to the Island with my Metal Habitat to give those slow earners in the big capacity habitat a decent chance. This will double boost all the dragons there and help make the most of that 125 000 capacity.
Hope this has been useful.
Please ask any specific questions if you would like some clarification.