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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

I find it strange as I visited the different island, I could no longer see the crowns on the dragons already. Especially some DV players have hit all dragons to level 15, I could not see their corns anymore..
It has now just gone 0300 and I have finished remodeling all my islands. Much thanks to Fletch for the great info re the boosts. Now for the first time, all of my dragons are in the green, not a red to be seen.

Now I must get to bed before I fall asleep at the keyboard :)

Fletch_smf said:
I'm in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It is currently 7:45 in the pm.

Aha. Cool. It was 4:15am here in the States (Central Standard Time) where I am. Couldn't sleep. Little girl sleepover thing! Lol

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)
Cox780770 said:
So guys I had the and others message today so if you sent me a gem within 12 hours of this post and your name is not included in the pic can you please let me know thanks guys this I what I get for sleeping lmao x x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

On a side note I sent one to dragonville10 on 3/19 and one to coxy26 on 3/18. (in case you didn't get those on your record). It would be from Servant 16:9. ;). Hope you get them all figured out!!

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)
Cox780770 said:
Tricia I visited your islands today and what a fab explanation ........I love your colosseum island the pathwork is amazing in fact all your paths have a fab design. And they way your pans are playing hide and seek in all those bushy trees ,......I'm going to hazzard a guess at the colosseum island being your fave its my fave x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

I am sooo glad u like them... I was up all night

Sent from. Tricia xoxo
phibes74 said:
And the coliseum is number two fav....

Sent from. Tricia xoxo

My favorite is 100% this one :D

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)


  • image-1495957172.webp
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tristan97tfj said:
My favorite is 100% this one :D

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

Really ? It looks better than I thought .. I play on my iPhone. I get the iPad in a few weeks... So I really never get to see the island all at once... Thank you.. I was not sure about that one but after seeing it like that I think I like it a little better now...

Sent from. Tricia xoxo

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