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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

250strong said:

lol this is what we would shout out as kids whenever there was any arguements around the house and nobody was paying attention to us!

anyways, the last 5 pages are why I strictly post DV related comments. I hate to see people I care about fighting with each other.


Hahaha!!! I love it!!!!

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)
I have tried every way to make this work, but I cant fit the 3rd one on one side of the island.

Someone please help!!

250 Check mine in two minutes. I'll put a large metal in that spot. I't does work.
TommyB said:
Today we found out we're being given a boy, due at the end of Aug.
Today I was offered a new job.

WOW tommy congrats on both what a special day x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
bluechihiro said:
Ok thanks. Do you have any suggests?

Lichen and storm has been proven most successful also plant and storm is a good combo x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Congratulations on the 2 blooms, I have one but made a mistake when trying to breed another ,and instead of lichen and storm, I breed lichen and quake and got a 48 hr egg, any idea what it could be? I also finally got my rainbow!!!!
Congratulations on the 2 blooms, I have one but made a mistake when trying to breed another ,and instead of lichen and storm, I breed lichen and quake and got a 48 hr egg, any idea what it could be? I also finally got my rainbow!!!!

that's fantastic! I could be any of the four. Lichen and Quake have four elements which could be a rainbow. Or it could be a Sun/Moon having the Lightning and Cold Elements.
TommyB said:
Thanks to everyone. We're very excited. No, a master electrician I worked for a few years ago called me up to offer an apprenticeship. Long, long story here, especially if you don't understand licensing in this state. It's not a huge thing in and of itself, and definitely not enough to support a family. But it does let me go back to school and it is another step down the path to become licensed myself. If the economy helps out then I'm looking at maybe four more years before the license exam and any substantial money. On the other hand, if the economy hadn't tanked five or six years ago I would already be licensed today, so whatever all that means. Just glad to be back on tack, even if only for a few months foreseeable, no guarantees.

Would love to write professionally. Long story there, too. Have one book done, waiting for a couple people to finish reviewing before I pull the trigger and release it. Number of other books I need to write, but somehow can't start until this one is out the door.

More excited about the baby than anything else.

Good luck with your licence ,and on the books I would certainly buy them I love your island descriptions so I know your book would be cool,what category would your books fit into , do you have a blurb for this book ,oh oh and any names for your son yet ....lol sorry for all the questions x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
GT500Girl said:
If I join one more thing my hubby will kill me and I won't be here to enjoy any of it. lol

Lmao I'm sure he loves you waaaaay too much to do that lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
GT500Girl said:
Yes...always iPad unless I'm out and about for a long period of time...then I will go on my phone. Sure...I can do that. Send me your email addy and I will fix you up. :thumbs:

Oh I'm glad you sorted tiff out lol I was going to,if no one had got back to her , but I'm not entirely sure how to attach photos to email on the iPad as I've only ever done that on the laptop x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Hi Segbert. Took quite a bit of time. Plus I had a late start because I think Shelley and I were about the last to get two. So I currently have 35 Pan's including two breeding. And if you look at my island it shows the two Large Earth Habitats already built but they are under construction.

I have 43 out of 50 level 15's on Earth/Air/Fire/Water Shrines. So seven more Pans

Now that Bloom covers Plant, Lightning and Cold, instead of those 7 Pans you should breed 7 Rust, 7 Chrome, 7 Iron and 7 Brass. They will take you 20 hours for a group of 4 instead of 36 for a Panlong, and you need to work on that Metal Shrine.
angel2all said:
So sorry for the innuendos yesterday. Truly and deeply! I too have young children and can understand your concerns. I am sorry to have put you in that position. It is for that and other reasons that I do not allow my children on any forum. I am very regretful that our fun would or could potentially cause any undue strain on a child's purity and understanding of it. For me it is teachable moments when comments are heard in public...even in grocery stores. I do my personal best to take what is construed as being ugly or in appropriate and make it sound and understandable for my kids in their context. I'm certainly not trying to tell you what to do either!!! Not by a long shot!!! But letting you know that I understand and will do my best to keep in mind that there are youngsters peering in. I get carried away sometimes as this is one of the few other outlets for adult conversation for me. Again...my apologies.

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)

I think we all got a little carried away with that conversation yesterday ,it's all to easy to forget there may be younger eyes viewing ,my own son sometimes reads over my shoulder and I have to lift the iPad so he can't see lol but I let him see sometimes when Tricia shellee snuggle tiff and others congratulate him on getting a dragon and he gets all chuffed lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

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