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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Fletch_smf said:
Poppy's starting a book club. Show of hands who want to make Tommy's book the first we read? **Both hands up**

Congrats on getting back on one of the paths you want to travel. Hope it's downhill and the wind is always at your back.

Babies smell funny. Just letting you know.

Both hands up too I would love to read a book by tommy x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
I am going to take your advice Fletch.

Just curious if I can stay ahead on cash which was one of the pluses for Pan's. I am going to let you know how it goes. Also I have I Pan on the way so it will be 6's across the board. Currently sitting at 10/50 on Metal 15's

Well simply put, if you grow 6 more pans and then 40 metals you feed 46 dragons. If you grow 6 Iron, 6 Rust, 6 Chrome & 6 Brass you only need 16 more metals for a total of 40 dragons. Less food required.
Two more dragons to feed to 15 and my fourth golden shrine -plant - will be done.
This leaves me with exactly 11 each air, water and earth to reach 50 gold but also 46 metals!
Sir Fletch am i correct that i am better of doing 11 each chrome, iron and rust which will thus not only make up the golden shrines but also give me 37 metals level 15. This versus 11 panlongs and 46 irons or mags ?
Thanks to you all for a wonderful and enjoyable day yesterday! I am deeply sorry for the conflict that has arisen from it.

To clarify, my comments did not arise because of things said only yesterday. These digs have been going on for months, from more people than have replied since my post last night. Yesterday was simply the tipping point where I couldn't stay silent any longer. I have walked away from the keyboard a few times in the past knowing that replying immediately was not going to result in anything good. I tried to be as calm and diplomatic as I could in my post last night.

And I'm sure Tricia will be back. She's not going to let something like this keep her away from all the forum fun.
Congratulations on the 2 blooms, I have one but made a mistake when trying to breed another ,and instead of lichen and storm, I breed lichen and quake and got a 48 hr egg, any idea what it could be? I also finally got my rainbow!!!!

If it was between 7am and 7pm it will be a Sun. Otherwise a Moon.
I have a query and I'm not sure if anyone can answer me or if it's already been answered (have read back to when the new update happened, but I couldn't see any mention of it). Righto......The new fountain in the market (decorations). Has anyone else noticed the counter, I brought one yesterday and It said 1/25. So what happens when you buy 25 of them?
TommyB said:
Thanks to everyone. We're very excited. No, a master electrician I worked for a few years ago called me up to offer an apprenticeship. Long, long story here, especially if you don't understand licensing in this state. It's not a huge thing in and of itself, and definitely not enough to support a family. But it does let me go back to school and it is another step down the path to become licensed myself. If the economy helps out then I'm looking at maybe four more years before the license exam and any substantial money. On the other hand, if the economy hadn't tanked five or six years ago I would already be licensed today, so whatever all that means. Just glad to be back on tack, even if only for a few months foreseeable, no guarantees.

Would love to write professionally. Long story there, too. Have one book done, waiting for a couple people to finish reviewing before I pull the trigger and release it. Number of other books I need to write, but somehow can't start until this one is out the door.

More excited about the baby than anything else.

What genre are you writing? might buy a book someday!!

Tony GCID troutfisher10
Fletch_smf said:
1. You've never answered, "Fine." when someone asked you how you were when you actually felt crappy? Everyone lies. And they do it an awful lot.
2. You said he had no morals, so yes, you were talking badly about him. The reason I'm upset is my empathy for him and how I would feel if someone said something like that about me. (Or more accurately a member of my family, because I don't care what people say about me.)

I do appreciate your apology, but I don't need it. It's not me you should apologise to.

Ok when you put it like that yes everyone bends the truth, but this is different fletch its open lying and bragging when you have already been caught out misleading newcomers that it's all so easy when it's not ......I never said it directly and didn't mention names and did not use the words " he has no morals " ....that said I can fully understand why you are upset ...but if my son told me he had been called a liar the first thing I would ask Is well did you lie ,and then explain why ppl don't like you lying to them and also why it is wrong to lie I don't want to upset him but I will not apologise to him either, I have apologised to the thread and thats all I can do now!!! I would hate to fall out with anyone over this, especially you as you are a massive help to this thread and have given me and others great advise on the shrines and breeding but I can't be untrue to how I feel ....sorry x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
I have a query and I'm not sure if anyone can answer me or if it's already been answered (have read back to when the new update happened, but I couldn't see any mention of it). Righto......The new fountain in the market (decorations). Has anyone else noticed the counter, I brought one yesterday and It said 1/25. So what happens when you buy 25 of them?

you cant buy anymore. thats all!
Ivanabot said:
I hate when that happens :)

It's so annoying isn't it I tried to hide it with a red tree but failed lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

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