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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Kaszpar said:
I have a query and I'm not sure if anyone can answer me or if it's already been answered (have read back to when the new update happened, but I couldn't see any mention of it). Righto......The new fountain in the market (decorations). Has anyone else noticed the counter, I brought one yesterday and It said 1/25. So what happens when you buy 25 of them?

You won't be able to buy anymore x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
You know what would be awesome ? A film made like taken by one of the wizards on the best decorated islands. DV from the perspective if a visitor. Maybe a bit like jurassic park when he comes to a massive panlongs islands like the one made by mcneeze...
angel2all said:
I love this dragon....

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)

Definitely one of the prettiest we've seen. Shame it's being a pain to get. Ah well on with the grind;-)

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13
Oh I'm glad you sorted tiff out lol I was going to,if no one had got back to her , but I'm not entirely sure how to attach photos to email on the iPad as I've only ever done that on the laptop x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Jumping ahead here because I only have a few minutes right now..I am waiting to get her email addy so I can send them but I have them all ready to go. :thumbs: I usually take the screen shots and then go to photos and you can email them from there with the little "reply" arrow thing at the top.
You know what would be awesome ? A film made like taken by one of the wizards on the best decorated islands. DV from the perspective if a visitor. Maybe a bit like jurassic park when he comes to a massive panlongs islands like the one made by mcneeze...

That may be in development as you posted . . .a 3D iPad.
So im trying to manage to find a way to get 2 of every dragon out on the islands at one time even the low paying dragons like regular earth but id think i will be able to do that till backflip studios gives us more habitats
Kaszpar said:
I have a query and I'm not sure if anyone can answer me or if it's already been answered (have read back to when the new update happened, but I couldn't see any mention of it). Righto......The new fountain in the market (decorations). Has anyone else noticed the counter, I brought one yesterday and It said 1/25. So what happens when you buy 25 of them?

Nothing of note. I have 25 of them at my test account and could find no change to anything in the game. Not that I expected to. Decorations don't affect game play.
Nothing of note. I have 25 of them at my test account and could find no change to anything in the game. Not that I expected to. Decorations don't affect game play.
Only advantage with many fountains is the money collected after the wizards have thrown some in there for good luck ...
VDL04 said:
That sounds cool. Can u add me so i can check out ur islands?

Tiffany xoxo

Will add you once I get off forum. Taking ages to catch up. Just back to work after short holiday and the forums gone mad. Every time I log in there's another six pages. And I have it set for max oats per page. :)

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13
GT500Girl said:
Jumping ahead here because I only have a few minutes right now..I am waiting to get her email addy so I can send them but I have them all ready to go. :thumbs: I usually take the screen shots and then go to photos and you can email them from there with the little "reply" arrow thing at the top.

Ahaa that makes sense I'll have to give it a try .....edumacate myself a bit in the words of homer Simpson lol thanks shellee x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Segbert said:
That may be in development as you posted . . .a 3D iPad.

Omg my son was only saying the other day how cool would a 3d iPad would be great minds eh ! they would have to make it so you can turn it off though ,it hurts my eyes looking at the 3DS screen too long x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Cox780770 said:
I will still be posting Hun ,we didn't do anything wrong but sadly I think Tricia has left ( I hope not ) and THANKYOU so much for this ,you can't possibly know what I means to me ,I too am in shock that one comment can lead to me and Tricia ,who always congratulate ,support ,help where we can ,enjoy a laugh and a chat and love the ppl on here ( can that be said for you know who .......I don't think so ) ,being called bullies ,evil and apparently we talk too much!!!! I have never ever been a bully to anyone in my life and would certainly not bully a kid, i just don't enjoy the bragging x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

I will have to respond to that one!!!!
100% agree with u both... Some times it is just best to take a step back and compose yourself and then step back in... I have found that is the best approach on life. And there have been many times that I have written a message about this whole thing and then deleted it bc I did not want all this to happen. But there is just some buttons that when pushed have to be followed through with. And sticking up for the ppl that I know are doing NO wrong is one of them.
I was always raised to stand up and speak out for WHO and what I believe in. I keep very few ppl close to me in life (personal chose) bc I find it hard to find ppl that are willing to do the Right thing at any cost...

My great grandma always raised me with this one rule. When u go to bed at night can u look back at your day and be proud of what you did? If the answer is yes then you are living the right way. And If that answer if no then when you wake up the next morning you had better get up on the other side and change...

And that is just me take it or leave it.

I am not to proud to say that I am sorry for affend ing anyone. But I will not apologize for standing up for what I believe to be right...

I have taken care and time to make sure that the ppl that I made feel uncomfortable knows that I am truly sorry for that.
Si when I look back at my day I can go to sleep and feel proud of my actions.

So I am here (not going anywhere) just stepping back for a minute.

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html
250strong said:

lol this is what we would shout out as kids whenever there was any arguements around the house and nobody was paying attention to us!

anyways, the last 5 pages are why I strictly post DV related comments. I hate to see people I care about fighting with each other.


U r tooooo much

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

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