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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Kaszpar said:
No idea why someone would want 25 fountains at 7.5 mil each but ok. Thanks for your reply

I have no idea.. I am having enough trouble raising dc for the gold shrines. But some do. I have seen whole islands full of volcanos. It is really cool but I could think of sooo many ways that I could use that dc... But that us what makes this game cool everyone can make their islands just right for them.

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html
VeeLund said:
My McDonalds wifi lets me do my apps....

Strange I will have to ask them next time .....the browser works but not Dv I didn't try any others so can't be sure if it was an overall thing on all apps x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
tonygtech said:
Any1 up for creating an 18 and over thread? Lol

Tony GCID troutfisher10

Lol!!! Me!!! Let's go! DV 18 and up!

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)
I'm so dc/gem poor. I wasted waaayyyy to many gems the lat few days. I'm tempted to buy some gems so I can free up my hatchery to make room.....but I shouldn't.

Happy Breeding,
phibes74 said:
I will have to respond to that one!!!!
100% agree with u both... Some times it is just best to take a step back and compose yourself and then step back in... I have found that is the best approach on life. And there have been many times that I have written a message about this whole thing and then deleted it bc I did not want all this to happen. But there is just some buttons that when pushed have to be followed through with. And sticking up for the ppl that I know are doing NO wrong is one of them.
I was always raised to stand up and speak out for WHO and what I believe in. I keep very few ppl close to me in life (personal chose) bc I find it hard to find ppl that are willing to do the Right thing at any cost...

My great grandma always raised me with this one rule. When u go to bed at night can u look back at your day and be proud of what you did? If the answer is yes then you are living the right way. And If that answer if no then when you wake up the next morning you had better get up on the other side and change...

And that is just me take it or leave it.

I am not to proud to say that I am sorry for affend ing anyone. But I will not apologize for standing up for what I believe to be right...

I have taken care and time to make sure that the ppl that I made feel uncomfortable knows that I am truly sorry for that.
Si when I look back at my day I can go to sleep and feel proud of my actions.

So I am here (not going anywhere) just stepping back for a minute.

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-games/63639-dragonvale-rare-breeding-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

Glad you are back!!!

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)
I've launched the new book thread:


Here's the blurb from my initial post:

Non-Fiction Thought Provoking Book Group

The idea here is to have a forum structured as a book club where we can use a book that we all read as a catalyst for intelligent (as opposed to emotional) discussion of controversial ideas of all kinds: religious, scientific, geo-political, etc. The goal is the shed light on these ideas and to avoid generating heat.

Everyone who is interested in following those guidelines is welcome. I'm hopeful that we can build a widely diverse group that represents many religious beliefs, many political points of view, many social points of view, and many cultural points of view. Ideologues might not be comfortable here as they will have to check their ideology at the door.


Hope you can join us!

I'm so dc/gem poor. I wasted waaayyyy to many gems the lat few days. I'm tempted to buy some gems so I can free up my hatchery to make room.....but I shouldn't.

Happy Breeding,

I'm worst. . .i am DC poor. I don't have enough to feed these dragons.
williamsbr said:
I'm so dc/gem poor. I wasted waaayyyy to many gems the lat few days. I'm tempted to buy some gems so I can free up my hatchery to make room.....but I shouldn't.

Happy Breeding,

Ah come on, you know you want to ! (I know it's so hard to fight the temptation) :)
Fletch_smf said:
My dear, no-one is falling out with anyone over this. I have good feelings towards each and everyone at this forum, and I can certainly separate a comment made by someone and the type of person they actually are. My mother-in-law is a fine woman, despite her reluctance to go to a GP of Indian persuasion. I hold nothing against you at all. I'm just not going to let comments that might hurt someone else slide by anymore.

Peace and love.

That is appreciated. That you hold harmless feelings toward all here.

But I think that if someone is offended, they surely can speak out for themselves. IMO only. I think at least the person that is being referred to here in this topic can. At least say, "hey, that's not nice!". At least that's what I would do should someone offend me. I would be more upset if someone put words in my mouth that weren't mine at all. And did not represent how I felt about it.

Ok... Now I will be quiet about this all!!! Ugh I really don't like getting into drama. But I do want us all to be friends and be fair to one another.

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)
I've launched the new book thread:


Here's the blurb from my initial post:

Non-Fiction Thought Provoking Book Group

The idea here is to have a forum structured as a book club where we can use a book that we all read as a catalyst for intelligent (as opposed to emotional) discussion of controversial ideas of all kinds: religious, scientific, geo-political, etc. The goal is the shed light on these ideas and to avoid generating heat.

Everyone who is interested in following those guidelines is welcome. I'm hopeful that we can build a widely diverse group that represents many religious beliefs, many political points of view, many social points of view, and many cultural points of view. Ideologues might not be comfortable here as they will have to check their ideology at the door.


Hope you can join us!


Sounds fun Poppy, which book should we start with.
Correction 16 gems left.... Man that is crazy

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

200+ I feel pain Tricia. Now I'm down to eight... Oh and thanks for not leaving :) enjoy your sense of humor. Actually lots of funny cats on here.

Poppy really leaning towards this book club need to expand my non fiction reading. There's only so much fiction you can blow through without getting the urge to expand your horizons. Count me in

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