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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Poppy's starting a book club. Show of hands who want to make Tommy's book the first we read? **Both hands up**

Congrats on getting back on one of the paths you want to travel. Hope it's downhill and the wind is always at your back.

Babies smell funny. Just letting you know.

Heartfelt congratulations Tommy. Take good care of Mom. And please, please keep writing - you have a real gift.

Prior to the update, we were encouraged to write our wish list. One of the things I put on the wish list was for a dragon that covered the three elements that were missing with the panlong. I made this request simply because I knew it would make it easier to work towards the gold shrines, especially considering the high price paid for quick feeds, and powering up. It was mentioned that BFS read our threads. I'm so glad they do.

So, BFS, thanks for bloom, the most beautiful dragon of all. I have named my first one GTgirl.

Somewhere lurking in my parks you will find a wise panlong dragon called poppy. There is also a fletch, brooklyn, vampi and others.... I remember when I first started reading this thread, well before I joined, there was some great advice listed by great people - that is what made this community so attractive and endearing for me.

Honoured. Thank you.
I will have to respond to that one!!!!

My great grandma always raised me with this one rule. When u go to bed at night can u look back at your day and be proud of what you did? If the answer is yes then you are living the right way. And If that answer if no then when you wake up the next morning you had better get up on the other side and change...

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

I like your great grandma wisdom. . .
I have a query and I'm not sure if anyone can answer me or if it's already been answered (have read back to when the new update happened, but I couldn't see any mention of it). Righto......The new fountain in the market (decorations). Has anyone else noticed the counter, I brought one yesterday and It said 1/25. So what happens when you buy 25 of them?

You're broke. :)

Dyane said:
Congratulations on the 2 blooms, I have one but made a mistake when trying to breed another ,and instead of lichen and storm, I breed lichen and quake and got a 48 hr egg, any idea what it could be? I also finally got my rainbow!!!!

That is wonderful!!! Hay for the rainbow!!! And with lichen and quake no clue. Please keep us posted so 250 can update his list....

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html
phibes74 said:
I will have to respond to that one!!!!
100% agree with u both... Some times it is just best to take a step back and compose yourself and then step back in... I have found that is the best approach on life. And there have been many times that I have written a message about this whole thing and then deleted it bc I did not want all this to happen. But there is just some buttons that when pushed have to be followed through with. And sticking up for the ppl that I know are doing NO wrong is one of them.
I was always raised to stand up and speak out for WHO and what I believe in. I keep very few ppl close to me in life (personal chose) bc I find it hard to find ppl that are willing to do the Right thing at any cost...

My great grandma always raised me with this one rule. When u go to bed at night can u look back at your day and be proud of what you did? If the answer is yes then you are living the right way. And If that answer if no then when you wake up the next morning you had better get up on the other side and change...

And that is just me take it or leave it.

I am not to proud to say that I am sorry for affend ing anyone. But I will not apologize for standing up for what I believe to be right...

I have taken care and time to make sure that the ppl that I made feel uncomfortable knows that I am truly sorry for that.
Si when I look back at my day I can go to sleep and feel proud of my actions.

So I am here (not going anywhere) just stepping back for a minute.

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-games/63639-dragonvale-rare-breeding-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

Glad to hear it x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Ok when you put it like that yes everyone bends the truth, but this is different fletch its open lying and bragging when you have already been caught out misleading newcomers that it's all so easy when it's not ......I never said it directly and didn't mention names and did not use the words " he has no morals " ....that said I can fully understand why you are upset ...but if my son told me he had been called a liar the first thing I would ask Is well did you lie ,and then explain why ppl don't like you lying to them and also why it is wrong to lie I don't want to upset him but I will not apologise to him either, I have apologised to the thread and thats all I can do now!!! I would hate to fall out with anyone over this, especially you as you are a massive help to this thread and have given me and others great advise on the shrines and breeding but I can't be untrue to how I feel ....sorry x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

My dear, no-one is falling out with anyone over this. I have good feelings towards each and everyone at this forum, and I can certainly separate a comment made by someone and the type of person they actually are. My mother-in-law is a fine woman, despite her reluctance to go to a GP of Indian persuasion. I hold nothing against you at all. I'm just not going to let comments that might hurt someone else slide by anymore.

Peace and love.
You know what would be awesome ? A film made like taken by one of the wizards on the best decorated islands. DV from the perspective if a visitor. Maybe a bit like jurassic park when he comes to a massive panlongs islands like the one made by mcneeze...

Lol unfortunately it's no longer very pleasing to the eye. Torn down to make more habitats. Ah well cash trumps all
Cox780770 said:
My hubby said " well they don't want kids and soft ppl like you sitting in there all day playing games " HOW RUDE lmao x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

My McDonalds wifi lets me do my apps....
Cox780770 said:
Ok when you put it like that yes everyone bends the truth, but this is different fletch its open lying and bragging when you have already been caught out misleading newcomers that it's all so easy when it's not ......I never said it directly and didn't mention names and did not use the words " he has no morals " ....that said I can fully understand why you are upset ...but if my son told me he had been called a liar the first thing I would ask Is well did you lie ,and then explain why ppl don't like you lying to them and also why it is wrong to lie I don't want to upset him but I will not apologise to him either, I have apologised to the thread and thats all I can do now!!! I would hate to fall out with anyone over this, especially you as you are a massive help to this thread and have given me and others great advise on the shrines and breeding but I can't be untrue to how I feel ....sorry x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

I could not have said it better myself... I second that!!!!

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html
Fletch_smf said:
My dear, no-one is falling out with anyone over this. I have good feelings towards each and everyone at this forum, and I can certainly separate a comment made by someone and the type of person they actually are. My mother-in-law is a fine woman, despite her reluctance to go to a GP of Indian persuasion. I hold nothing against you at all. I'm just not going to let comments that might hurt someone else slide by anymore.

Peace and love.

I'll be honest fletch I don't think he even reads the forum like we do only when he's asked something ,seems oblivious to what's been said today anyway ....... I'm going to put all this down to difference of opinion and forget it now lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

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