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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

sabrina7903 said:
Finally got my sandstorm after trying more times than I can count. Got it using air on left and mud on right! I finally have all my dragons. Now just gotta get the shrines. Going to take forever ;(

Nice congrats
sabrina7903 said:
Finally got my sandstorm after trying more times than I can count. Got it using air on left and mud on right! I finally have all my dragons. Now just gotta get the shrines. Going to take forever ;(

The shrines take a while. I have all done except water and air. Water only has 6 dragons left, air I'm unsure about because I'm not 24 yet lol. But air is going to be the most difficult for me. I don't have enough fires to keep breeding airs. This means I'm going to have to resort to hybrids, which is going to take a minimum of like 16 hours for each air. I could sell off some dragons and buy more fires though so maybe it won't be so bad.
Shavemeshavers said:
The shrines take a while. I have all done except water and air. Water only has 6 dragons left, air I'm unsure about because I'm not 24 yet lol. But air is going to be the most difficult for me. I don't have enough fires to keep breeding airs. This means I'm going to have to resort to hybrids, which is going to take a minimum of like 16 hours for each air. I could sell off some dragons and buy more fires though so maybe it won't be so bad.

Or you can breed 2 sandstorms so it would only take a total of 4 hrs.
Hannah_Vibbert said:
I meant how do I add them to my game? I already have friends on my game center

Oh, well if they play dragonvale, there should be a button saying "friends" and when you click on it there will be a list of friends, if it doesn't appear, then restart your I-device :)
Brooklyn11220 said:
Air and sandstorm only take 2hrs to breed and two hours to hatch so they're the perfect way to get the air shrine goal completed quickly

That's what I'm going to end up doing. Then I can focus all my cash into growing food.
Hi I've been trying to get blue fire, but no luck, I have tried level 10 fire with level 4 ice and have done so more than 15 times now, it always lands up giving me ice... M so fed up now... Level 20 now , I've got an epic island and still no luck wit getting blue fire or rainbow dragon.... Can anyone give me an answer that actually will help! Pleaseeeeeee

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