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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Hi I've been trying to get blue fire, but no luck, I have tried level 10 fire with level 4 ice and have done so more than 15 times now, it always lands up giving me ice... M so fed up now... Level 20 now , I've got an epic island and still no luck wit getting blue fire or rainbow dragon.... Can anyone give me an answer that actually will help! Pleaseeeeeee

First thing I would do is level up your ice to 10 then try them again.
furiousalin said:
Hi I've been trying to get blue fire, but no luck, I have tried level 10 fire with level 4 ice and have done so more than 15 times now, it always lands up giving me ice... M so fed up now... Level 20 now , I've got an epic island and still no luck wit getting blue fire or rainbow dragon.... Can anyone give me an answer that actually will help! Pleaseeeeeee

Fire on the left storm on the right. Should only take a couple tries. Preferably both level 10
I have tried fire and storm a TON of times and only managed to get a blue fire once. I have had so many firefly and storm dragons, though! Good news is it is a quick turnover and good for the shrines lol!
Kath_M said:
I have tried fire and storm a TON of times and only managed to get a blue fire once. I have had so many firefly and storm dragons, though! Good news is it is a quick turnover and good for the shrines lol!

Well I have a 48 hour with blue fire on left and crystal on right... My friend just tried sandstorm and storm to see a 48 hour time... Try both of those, if not try the one that has worked for me the most; snow and scorch
:( Still trying for my second moon. I used mud and storm and got another 48. Another sun. I don't want three, I want to swap for another moon!
Having said that any idea why it wont let me build the habitat? What's the limit on 2 islands + epic breeding cave? Do I need the third island? I have 15 habitats
15donahun said:
Oh, well if they play dragonvale, there should be a button saying "friends" and when you click on it there will be a list of friends, if it doesn't appear, then restart your I-device :)

Thanks! My friends finally showed up on their own!
SnuggleTM said:
BIG Congratulations to you!!!
You probably just need to get to the next level for another habitat. What combo did you use??

Firefly left and seaweed right. I am now keeping a spreadsheet of the combos I use and what they produce.

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