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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

I've been in this forum since September but I've been playing Dragonvale since the first day it came out and I will continue to play everyday because I love this game and I this forum and it's wonderful community are the best you guys and gals rock!!! Breed on!!!
Ive only just noticed the trade option inthe treasure section of the market. Seems silly to trade gems for dragoncash... Should be the other way round if u ask me
A friend of mine had stopped playing but has recently started again since the update. I just checked out his islands... He has sold everything, including the colleseum and rebuilt all earth habitats to complete his shrine!!! I am still in shock!! Wish i had told him about this forum earlier! Would have been a big help to him!!!!

Wow, that is sad. Does he think he needs all 50 dragons of one element at once? I noticed something similar at one of my friends, he/she has a ton of fire dragons (mostly lava) and I was wondering why. Personally I think the lava dragons are the ugliest of them all.

Is there any way to contact GC friends?
Ive only just noticed the trade option inthe treasure section of the market. Seems silly to trade gems for dragoncash... Should be the other way round if u ask me

Where did you see it? I warned people on here about this trade a few days ago because they make it sound like you can get gems and pay for them in dragoncash...but it's the other way round!!! Then I tried to look for it again and couldn't find it anymore, lol.

EDIT: ah, I found it! Must have been hiding from me last time I looked...its all the way on the right in the treasure section. It really upsets me that they were so tricky with this one. Usually what you get is marked at the top and the price is at the bottom. In this case it's the other way. Sneaky!
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Ok, that sucks. I have 29 gems! That will take forever. Haha thanks tho

That's a tough wait. I ended up giving in and buying my gems for $4.99. I'm glad I did even though I still haven't gotten anything special from this breeding island.
finally have a sun egg warming up in the nest. got it by Quake + Storm in both caves at the same time. the small island finally did something. now need the second rainbow, probably take another 50 tries.
I'm not sure I want to get my 50 of each type of dragons; I don't like the look of the hovering balls.
GT500Girl said:
Your welcome! Good job! That was real quick! Lol. I haven't leveled up anything past 10 yet. Not sure if I will have to sell any of them. I'm actually working on cold but also any other's I can because I believe it keeps track whether you have built the shrine or not. Hope you get one of them soon! :thumbs:

It doesn't keep track unless you have the shrine built. I spent 2 days breeding air and sandstorms to get the air counter up and it never went up until I built it. Someone mentioned it keeps track of how many you have on your island at 10, which I confirmed because I had 5 air hybrids on my island when I built the air shrine and it said 5/50 when I built it. Don't waste your food if you don't have them built lol
chantellexx said:
Why should we delete the boosts, and what about the shrines?

Deleting boost seems to raise te chance of rare dragons. Shrines keep track of how many of a certain element you have at level 10. When you get 50, you can level up dragons of that type to level 15.
Danimelni said:
Hey guys... It's taking me forever to get a Moon dragon. I got 2 suns already, but no moon... Tried storm and sonic and lots of other combinations with storm. What else should I try? Does is matter on which time of the day you do the breeding?

Time of day does not matter at all. Just gotta be lucky
finally have a sun egg warming up in the nest. got it by Quake + Storm in both caves at the same time. the small island finally did something. now need the second rainbow, probably take another 50 tries.
I'm not sure I want to get my 50 of each type of dragons; I don't like the look of the hovering balls.

yay! congrats on your sun dragon. It's good to know that the breeding island works for some, it gives me hope ;)

I know what you mean about the balls, they're kinda strange. They make no sense, what does a hovering ball symbolize? And some of the dragons get so big that when you visit your friends you can't find the party hats (wink, wink, Brooklyn ;)). I guess you could just make it to the 50 and unlock the shrine and then not upgrade your dragons.

But I love the game, the latest update really made it interesting again.
I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed, my scorch and storm produced my second moon dragon. Now I don't know what to do, delete either my sun or the 2nd dragon habitat that have been sitting empty for ever or get rid of a full habitat that is bringing income. Any advise? Good thing I have about 46 hours to think about it (the moon habitat takes 2 hours to build, right?)
Breeding sonic storm and only getting sonics 

Look on the bright side, they sell for a million :)

What are you going for? I got a moon from Scorch and Storm, and one from Sonic and Storm. Maybe you should try something else and come back to this combo later? Good luck!

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