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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

ilUli said:
I'm just curious, why didn't you put your boosts back yet? Can't you just breed your rare dragons with each other?

Honestly, I just don't have the cash to buy them again lol. I spend my cash on food because I want all my dragons level 15 lol
Brooklyn11220 said:
I've been in this forum since September but I've been playing Dragonvale since the first day it came out and I will continue to play everyday because I love this game and I this forum and it's wonderful community are the best you guys and gals rock!!! Breed on!!!


You can check in the app store when it was installed. I started on September 19th. Don't think I joined here straight away though.
Crystal + Blue fire = Rainbow (48 hours to go till hatch)
Tried them again and have another 48 hour breed time.
Now just need Sun and Moon
ilUli said:
Wow, that is sad. Does he think he needs all 50 dragons of one element at once? I noticed something similar at one of my friends, he/she has a ton of fire dragons (mostly lava) and I was wondering why. Personally I think the lava dragons are the ugliest of them all.

Is there any way to contact GC friends?

I think maybe he did. The worst part is because he stopped playing for a while he has very little money and no food or gems! So trying to get enough money to make food with all these habitats making no money... Hes gonna be there forever!
Yeah I'm just gonna concentrate on getting my shrines sorted now for a bit lol. Just waiting till I have enough money for the food, would have been better if when you levelled the plant dragons to 15 it was all the plants and hybrids in one go instead of separately but that's just me being impatient lol. What shrines have you completed so far?

Yeh, me too...and work at that 2nd sun at the same time I've only completed plant and fire so far. Went pretty quick with plant and poison. I had all my habitats filled for quite awhile though so I was stocking up on food all that time. I'm now working on cold at the moment but only because I'm trying to get another sun. I'm also keeping anything for shrines that I don't have and leveling them up so they will count towards those shrines when I can finally build them. Atleast I assume they will count lol.
GT500Girl said:
Yeh, me too...and work at that 2nd sun at the same time I've only completed plant and fire so far. Went pretty quick with plant and poison. I had all my habitats filled for quite awhile though so I was stocking up on food all that time. I'm now working on cold at the moment but only because I'm trying to get another sun. I'm also keeping anything for shrines that I don't have and leveling them up so they will count towards those shrines when I can finally build them. Atleast I assume they will count lol.

They won't count :( I spent 2 days breeding airs and sandstorms so I would have a jump on my air shrine. The shrine never counted those dragons. Wasted over 250,000 food. My advice is if you want to work on shrines, make sure they're built first. They have to be completed, not even breeding as it builds will count.
It doesn't keep track unless you have the shrine built. I spent 2 days breeding air and sandstorms to get the air counter up and it never went up until I built it. Someone mentioned it keeps track of how many you have on your island at 10, which I confirmed because I had 5 air hybrids on my island when I built the air shrine and it said 5/50 when I built it. Don't waste your food if you don't have them built lol

Oh, you have got to be kidding me! Lol. Oh well I've only done a few. Now that you mention this I remember reading when you posted about this! Geez, where is my head?! I've been way too busy lately and will pay one way or another for not thinking more clearly.
I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed, my scorch and storm produced my second moon dragon. Now I don't know what to do, delete either my sun or the 2nd dragon habitat that have been sitting empty for ever or get rid of a full habitat that is bringing income. Any advise? Good thing I have about 46 hours to think about it (the moon habitat takes 2 hours to build, right?)

I was in the same position. I finally sold my 2nd sun habitat. Glad I did too because I still haven't got the second sun and have had to sell other habitats just to work on the shrines. What a pain. We really could of used a extra habitat on this update since we didn't get another island. :( I guess it depends on whether you want two of those rares or not. If you sell one it will yield a lot of cash but they also bring in a lot more especially at night. Good luck on your decision. :thumbs:
GT500Girl said:
Yeh, me too...and work at that 2nd sun at the same time I've only completed plant and fire so far. Went pretty quick with plant and poison. I had all my habitats filled for quite awhile though so I was stocking up on food all that time. I'm now working on cold at the moment but only because I'm trying to get another sun. I'm also keeping anything for shrines that I don't have and leveling them up so they will count towards those shrines when I can finally build them. Atleast I assume they will count lol.

The thing I don't like about the shrines is the fact that we have to get rid of some of our dragons to make room for the others :( I have said that I will not sell my baby lightning dragon. He's the only one that I won't level up because he looks so cute lol (lame I know). Yeah I think it's gonna take a while to save all the money to be able to
Get all the food for each dragon. Hey, it'll give me something to do during Christmas lol
ogjk941uty said:
How do you make a water dragon with out buying plz help i heard its cold and lightning but i done that in both combinations and it still make storm dragon

It's impossible to breed water because they are original dragons and they cannot be bred unless you use two pure water dragons

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