I have a question, does having more visitors help you in any way? Sometimes when I log on I have 2 or 3 if I am on for a while I have had up to 50. The only thing I have found says more dragons more visitors. Just wondering
I want my rainbow! Im in lvl 21 and trying soooo long!
Do tell me Why im not geting it!
Gamecenter slownhappy
But i need rainbow not friends
And how long i need to try for second moon and blue fire?
Is there any point trying for sun again without having two rainbow?
Michelin said:Ooh that sucks but I guess now you'll take note of that next time, hehe.
Need to editnext time. I have just got moon.
Im trying for rainbow and sun.
I decided not to try for raindeer or sandstorm.
Im i did exactly what other forums told to do to get rainbow.
Oether they lied. Or i have no luck.
Which gives me two options.
Trying again the combos they said.
Or try totaly random.
Isnt 100 dollars is a bit expensive for a dragon?
mjtyler said:Crystal and blurrier just got me another rainbow. Back in the epic cave with another 48 hour breed.....hoping it's a moon...please please please be a moon.
Michelin said:This is one of the reasons I am not really trying much with the shrines; I am keeping the one or two of each dragon that I have and I just work slowly around them - shuffling between habitats as necessary etc. Another reason is that my quest for rares is my real priority, heh. Most of my shrine work so far has only been by feeding up relevant random dragons that I get when trying for a Moon or Rainbow, hehe. I admit that I raised up some that I otherwise would have kept as a baby/adolescent but I figure I'll breed or buy more babies when I finally have more habitats/room later (*fingers crossed*...my dream would be a 'baby only habitat!!)
Michelin said:I'm probably missing something really obviousbut I can't see the actual date installed anywhere...where exactly am I supposed to be looking?
mjtyler said:Blue fire*