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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

mjtyler said:
Just realized... I have seaweed and firefly in my epic breeding cave and they are on a 48 hr breed. Here's hoping its a rainbow.... Luck luck luck...hope hope hope. A moon would satisfy me but a rainbow would have me doing cartwheels!

How do you get a seaweed every thing I try gives me a swamp any good combo suggestions please x
GT500Girl said:
Your welcome! If you want a 2nd rainbow I would try with that exact same pair. It worked for me anyways. Congrats again! :thumbs:

Wot page is the gene theory on or could u tel me plz I been trying for a rainbow dragon for agessss! And also ne help with a moon dragon? Ne info would be great thank u:-) xxx
GT500Girl said:
Lol Mine came on the 10th try 2nd time around. Good luck!

Oh yeah, so when I just got my 3rd generation firefly, I raised it to level 10, named it rain, then forgot to name my seaweed bow... Still SW10x7, but I put it right in the cave and got 48 hrs first try!
Cox780770 said:
How do you get a seaweed every thing I try gives me a swamp any good combo suggestions please x

Took me forever to get a swamp lol. All I kept getting was seaweeds. Just to water+plant until you get it. It'll come eventually.
Oh yeah, so when I just got my 3rd generation firefly, I raised it to level 10, named it rain, then forgot to name my seaweed bow... Still SW10x7, but I put it right in the cave and got 48 hrs first try!

You have got to be kidding me! Lol. Sweet! Congrats! Have you hatched the first one yet?
Wot page is the gene theory on or could u tel me plz I been trying for a rainbow dragon for agessss! And also ne help with a moon dragon? Ne info would be great thank u:-) xxx

I'm not sure but if you look through my posts you will find it. Don't have a lot of time right now or I'd grab the info for you.

2 moons for me with scorch on left and snow on right. Hope this helps you and you get one of them soon. :)
Finaly Ive got my sandstorm after trying the same combo for weeks now. Air and mud. Nice. All I need now is the moon. Any great combos? lol

Mud + Storm
Sonic + Storm
Blue Fire + Crystal
Water + Firefly
Sonic + Snow
Fire + Storm
Bone + Storm
Quake + Storm
this is just a few and keep in mind that these combos can give you sun or moon
Last edited:
2nd 48hr breed time in 3 days!! Epic breedingisland using sonic (L) and storm (R)! My last one was a sun, which i already have so fingers crossed for a moon!! :)

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