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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

My gosh. I still can't believe you got 8 reindeers! Lol. DV wanted to make sure you had that one lol. I also know from our text messages you finally have some good news coming.... :)

IMO you are doing very well in your shrines. Keep it up even though it's not a goal right now. :thumbs:

Haha, yep, DV was VERY thorough when making sure I had a Reindeer (or 8, whatever!)
Yes! Still so very excited with a day left to wait till I even know what it is, let alone till I can hatch it, haha.

Thanks my friend. I think so too :o
Am loosing the will to continue DV.
Must have bred over 50 dragons since my last post and no rainbow or moon dragon.

What's the latest winning combo for either of these. Have done sonic/storm, firefly/seaweed, lava/seaweed, blue fire/ storm.

Each combo has had about a week each, using breeding cave and island.

I can absolutely empathise.
I have been trying for a Moon or Rainbow for a LONG time (at least 3 weeks, maybe more) and wasn't getting any new rares at all but have finally got a 48 hour breed time happening now. I got it from Scorch x Snow (which could equal Sun or Moon as far as I know) in my normal breeding cave and am not sure what it will be yet but *fingers crossed* for a Moon!

Hope something happens for you soon :thumbs:
I've been trying that on my iPhone so many times I'm about to give up, lol. This is the combo that worked so well on my iPad, it is strange how some dragons simply refuse to show up and they aren't even supposed to be THAT hard to get.

Yeah, it is weird. I was feeling particularly discouraged after all the combinations I suggested to someone else were popping out (almost) one rare after another for them but I couldn't even get one myself, hehe.
After how much trouble I have been having with the rares lately I am kind of scared of how long it might take to get a Sandstorm (the only 'normal' dragon I still need), especially considering I don't particularly like it, hehe. Will eventually try for it nonetheless, as I'd really like to have at least one of every dragon.
Its strange, cause when i started this game and started breeding hybrids, all i did was to check the flags at the bottom of the picture in the market and put the parents in that order and got each dragon first go. This no longer seems to work though :S

Yeah, but I think they do it on purpose. It makes sense that it is easier to start with and gets more complicated/difficult as you continue and I guess too many people would give up if it was hard to start with. They make it harder later when you are already sucked in and determined, hehe. It's probably got to do with your level and the type of dragons you try for. I'm pretty sure if you started a completely new game the basic dragons would be just as easy to get (I'd hope so anyway!!!)

I just wish that there seemed to be actual proven method to, for example, breed a Rainbow though because it seems to involve a bit too much random chance for my liking!
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! :D:D:D

I just got another 48 hour breed!!!
Had been trying Storm x Bluefire in the Epic cave for a few days and just swapped to Bluefire x Storm to mix it up and BAM! (though I had tried reversing the order a couple of times before, but not for a little while)

I am soooo unbelievably excited. I was just running around going "woooooooohooooooo" and my daughter and son were running over to find out what had happened. My son is too little to have any idea, he just thought Mama was being funny, but my daughter is pretty excited too (she loves watching and helping me feed/collect coins). Oh man, if one of these isn't a Moon or Rainbow I'll be the unluckiest lucky person ever, haha.

FINALLY my rare drought has broken and I'm soooo thankful for the apparent deluge! *squee* :D
And finally... My 48hours breeding is rainbow.... Finally...
And havent get moon, bluefire and sandstorm

I breed water n quake and the result is 24 hours,,, i wonder what it is... Any idea?
I hope it isnt a crystal,,,
I have never been so happy to prove myself wrong!

I FINALLY, after what feels like so very long, FINALLY have a 48 hour breed in progress! *squee*

I put both sets of dragons back in their caves at about 3pm my time while I was at a friend's place and somehow must have overlooked checking what time I'd got for my Scorch x Snow combo, because at about 6pm I happened to check on them and found I was 3 hours into a 48 hour breed time!!! I found myself looking back and forth between the time and the number of gems needed to speed it up just to be completely, 100%, sure that I really did say 2 days like I thought I was seeing...I almost couldn't believe it. When it finally sank in, I literally squealed a little and my (almost) 4 year old daughter called out from the next room to see what was 'wrong' ;)

I had tried numerous times over the last few days with the same pair and other Scorch x Snow dragons to no avail. I was actually getting pretty frustrated that I could not seem to get another rare no matter which combination I used or whatever else I did.

As yet I have no idea what my new rare is but am pretty sure it'll be a Moon or Sun and am desperately hoping for a Moon. In fact, I'll probably be pretty ungratefully #@*&ed off if it's another Sun after all this time, hehe.
A Rainbow would be great too but probably unlikely with that combo as far as I'm aware.
I will absolutely come back and let you guys know what it is as soon as possible after I know (only a bit over another day to go :rolleyes:). I refuse to use my gems to speed things up but am thinking I might give in and use just a few right at the end *grin*.

Yay! Congrats again! Did the happy dance for you when I found out! Lol. I felt the same way. I thought I was seeing things and surely it did NOT say 48 hrs the first time. I remember it felt like my heart dropped or something hahaha. I hope you get a moon! :thumbs:

Lol yep...I've used a few gems at the end to speed them up too. :)
Haha, yep, DV was VERY thorough when making sure I had a Reindeer (or 8, whatever!)
Yes! Still so very excited with a day left to wait till I even know what it is, let alone till I can hatch it, haha.

Thanks my friend. I think so too :o

Lol your welcome my friend! And more good news coming from you soon....:D
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! :D:D:D

I just got another 48 hour breed!!!
Had been trying Storm x Bluefire in the Epic cave for a few days and just swapped to Bluefire x Storm to mix it up and BAM! (though I had tried reversing the order a couple of times before, but not for a little while)

I am soooo unbelievably excited. I was just running around going "woooooooohooooooo" and my daughter and son were running over to find out what had happened. My son is too little to have any idea, he just thought Mama was being funny, but my daughter is pretty excited too (she loves watching and helping me feed/collect coins). Oh man, if one of these isn't a Moon or Rainbow I'll be the unluckiest lucky person ever, haha.

FINALLY my rare drought has broken and I'm soooo thankful for the apparent deluge! *squee* :D

Lol!!! I was hoping you posted about the 2nd one. Didn't want to let the cat out of the bag! Whoops there it is! Hahaha. Congrats my friend! I couldn't be happier for you. :thumbs:
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! :D:D:D

I just got another 48 hour breed!!!
Had been trying Storm x Bluefire in the Epic cave for a few days and just swapped to Bluefire x Storm to mix it up and BAM! (though I had tried reversing the order a couple of times before, but not for a little while)

I am soooo unbelievably excited. I was just running around going "woooooooohooooooo" and my daughter and son were running over to find out what had happened. My son is too little to have any idea, he just thought Mama was being funny, but my daughter is pretty excited too (she loves watching and helping me feed/collect coins). Oh man, if one of these isn't a Moon or Rainbow I'll be the unluckiest lucky person ever, haha.

FINALLY my rare drought has broken and I'm soooo thankful for the apparent deluge! *squee* :D

Wow, that is so awesome! Congratulations!!! I love your kids' reactions, that makes it even sweeter :)

Now the loooong wait begins. I'm just about to cave and spend some gems to see what yesterday's 48 hour present is. I have no willpower to wait any longer...

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