I have never been so happy to prove myself wrong!
I FINALLY, after what feels like so very long, FINALLY have a 48 hour breed in progress! *squee*
I put both sets of dragons back in their caves at about 3pm my time while I was at a friend's place and
somehow must have overlooked checking what time I'd got for my Scorch x Snow combo, because at about 6pm I happened to check on them and found I was 3 hours into a 48 hour breed time!!! I found myself looking back and forth between the time and the number of gems needed to speed it up just to be
completely, 100%, sure that I really did say 2 days like I thought I was seeing...I almost couldn't believe it. When it finally sank in, I literally squealed a little and my (almost) 4 year old daughter called out from the next room to see what was 'wrong'
I had tried numerous times over the last few days with the same pair and other Scorch x Snow dragons to no avail. I was actually getting pretty frustrated that I could not seem to get another rare no matter which combination I used or whatever else I did.
As yet I have no idea what my new rare is but am pretty sure it'll be a Moon or Sun and am
desperately hoping for a Moon. In fact, I'll probably be pretty ungratefully #@*&ed off if it's another Sun after all this time, hehe.
A Rainbow would be great too but probably unlikely with that combo as far as I'm aware.
I will absolutely come back and let you guys know what it is as soon as possible after I know (only a bit over another day to go

). I refuse to use my gems to speed things up but am thinking I might give in and use just a few right at the end *grin*.