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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

I have no patience! I used gems on all my other rares ( they were further apart then these 2) just so i knew what they were. I could wait the 48 for incubation cause i knew what they were. Waiting for the actual breed... Is killing me!!

Lol I was the same way but am learning to have more because it was costing me too much money hahaha. Yep, I agree. The breed is awful no matter what. I'm going crazy waiting to see if it's sun I'm breeding. I have the gems to speed it up but don't want to use them in case I need them for something on the new update.
How do you get the Shrines? I have been selling my baby duplicates. Should I be selling the adults and then lvling the babies.
Skaala2903 said:
Hey all, got my 2nd 48hr today morning with Bluefire x Crystal.. I hope its a Rainbow.. Then, i will just need the Sun..
Have tried this combination for a lot of times before but failed to get a rare.. Atlast, got it today and that too in the normal breeding cave..
This has now given me some hope of getting the Sun as well.. So, breeding onnnnn..
Thanks for all your suggestions, friends..
What can be the best combination for Sun?? Will start with that before moving on to other tries..
And to add my current stats, almost done on my lightning shrine and also closer to finishing the cold one..
Will have to work on Water and also get to level 24 to get Air shrine as well..

I think this egg might be your sun. BF+Crystal is how I got my first sun. Who knows though, let us know what it is!
Cox780770 said:
I got a blue fire just by breeding a lvl 10 fire with bout lvl 8 cold no hybrids x but struggling to get a seaweed and flower so annoying x

You cannot breed a fire and cold together. They are incompatible. You would have to use a hybrid of one.
Shavemeshavers said:
You cannot breed a fire and cold together. They are incompatible. You would have to use a hybrid of one.

Yes your right my son corrected me when he came home from school it was fire + mountain must have been luck because it was a first try too didn't know what I was doing then he had only asked me to collect his money while at school and now I've taken over and go mad when he moves or sells things sorry everyone x :-)
okcdebbie said:
How do you get the Shrines? I have been selling my baby duplicates. Should I be selling the adults and then lvling the babies.

U gotta sell ur adults nd grow each dragon to level ten to get the point in ur shrines

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