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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Cox780770 said:
I go a blue fire first try from cold on right mountain on left how did you breed your reindeer not getting anywhere Wight those haha x

Fire is needed to make a blue fire. There's no way to make a blue fire with cold and mountain. Are you sure you're thinking of the right dragons?

Also, reindeer is COLD and PLANT. You need to pick dragons that have those elements in them. You will never get a reindeer with cold and mountain, because mountain is cold and earth. No plant element at all. Try cold and swamp, or cold and mud. Good luck!
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matwins09 said:
So I've been trying the seaweed/ firefly combo nonstop for over a month. I tried a different combo one time, went back to it this morning and I got a 48 hour incubation!!! I'm really hoping that it's a moon, since I only have 1 rare and that's a sun. I'd like one of each before I get doubles, but I'll take anything at this point. Woohoo!!!

ID tgabe

Breed on!

Sounds like a rainbow to me! Congrats!!
Pretty awesome. Finally got the last rare I needed(a rainbow) with the basic crystal+bluefire combo on the regular island. Hatched not too long ago, and now I ended up with another 48hr wait time on the special island just now. If it's another rainbow, I'll have all the achievements, so here's hoping. :D
Cox780770 said:
Oh well no wonder you get so many haha how dya get your first one tho.

First sandstorm was level 6 mud and level 10 air. I was only like level 14 when I got it. I was so excited because my wife had been trying since before october for it lol
MistaKuraudo said:
Pretty awesome. Finally got the last rare I needed(a rainbow) with the basic crystal+bluefire combo on the regular island. Hatched not too long ago, and now I ended up with another 48hr wait time on the special island just now. If it's another rainbow, I'll have all the achievements, so here's hoping. :D

Congrats! Let us know what it is!
GT500Girl said:
What combo ended up working so everyone knows?

Congrats! Yay! I hope it's a moon for you! :thumbs: Let us know what it turns out to be. :)

I used level 10 seaweed on left and level 10 firefly on right in the regular breeding cave.
mizzgigglez said:
What dragons do you use to breed a rainbow dragon?

There are many combos such as seaweed and firefly, blue fire and crystal, crystal and blazing, quake and willow. What worked for me was the gene theory with seaweed and firefly
ilUli said:
So I've everything on my body crossed, mu toes, my legs, my fingers, my arms. I'm standing there like a human pretzel while chanting 'sun! sun! sun!....' (in my head, lol, don't want to look foolish)

And I get...

A moon :(:(:(

What a let-down. What do I need 3 moons for when I dont even have a single sun and still need a second rainbow? There are people around here who are dying for a moon...why give it to me?!?

I put BF and Crystal back on their island so they can think about what pain they caused me...they will be there for 14 hours, punishing me with a tree. *sigh* I just can't win.

Which combo gave you your moon?
FINALLY got my swamp egg! Now all I need is blue fire, sandstorm, sun, moon and rainbow.

Good for my bank but not making new progress is almost every other egg is a a blazing
:eek: Sweet! Unbelievable! This week has been really good to a lot of people! I wonder if they loosened up a bit for the holidays. Congrats! :thumbs:

I wish! I still can't get a simple raindeer on my phone, let alone a sun or 2nd rainbow on the ipad. But I'm not giving up... I just hope the raindeer stick around for a while longer.

Seeing everybody else's luck is nice and keeps me positive. Thanks for sharing your successes :)
Shavemeshavers said:
Fire is needed to make a blue fire. There's no way to make a blue fire with cold and mountain. Are you sure you're thinking of the right dragons?

Also, reindeer is COLD and PLANT. You need to pick dragons that have those elements in them. You will never get a reindeer with cold and mountain, because mountain is cold and earth. No plant element at all. Try cold and swamp, or cold and mud. Good luck!

I dunno. I bred a storm dragon from swamp and seaweed. Was a little shocked considering neither has a lightning or cold element!

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