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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

mommieannie said:
Has anyone else noticed that their mud dragon has a rainbow proboscis? Is this a hint and are there more?

The image attached is what you're talking about, I believe. (took me about 15 photos to get a shot of it haha) but I believe it's just to add some color to the mud dragon. I don't think it's a hint of more to come.


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Shavemeshavers said:
The image attached is what you're talking about, I believe. (took me about 15 photos to get a shot of it haha) but I believe it's just to add some color to the mud dragon. I don't think it's a hint of more to come.

Oh. Yeah... I agree not a hint
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Hey guys check out Toy Village is free on the app store.
I got my husband Brooklyn 11220 hooked on it.

Downloading it now. Thanks to you and your hubby! :thumbs: The game looks awsome! It will give me something to do while I'm waiting for dragons to breed and hatch! :)
I dunno how long I've tried for a damned Moon dragon. 2 suns, 3 rainbow and no moooooons.
What are some of the best combo's people have tried?
Got yet another 48hr breed!! Thats my 4th this week all with different pairings! This one is scorch and storm. I got 3 suns though (sped up my last one too see what is was) :( now the wait begins again. 44hrs to go and counting...
No I'm not thinking of the right dragons! god I've got to stop typing when I'm half asleep that's because as soon as I wake up DV is the first thing I worry about I meant I got bluefire from fire and mountain I was up most of last night with my youngest and my brain was not functioning correctly lol I have tried cold and swamp to get the reindeer but got another cold going to give the cold and mud a go now thanks and sorry for chatting s** t I won't come on here when I've just woke up anymore lol

Tried the cold and mud got a new mud I think just have to keep trying

If you have a Bluefire, try Plant x Bluefire or Bluefire x Plant.. Switch now and then if required.. I am sure, you will get a Reindeer.. I got 2 reindeers out of that combo..
Wanted to get a Rainbow badly, so tried Bluefire x Crystal in both the caves as i have 2 each.. Guess what i got??
A 24hr breeding time (Crystal) in both my caves.. Frustating..
Pretty awesome. Finally got the last rare I needed(a rainbow) with the basic crystal+bluefire combo on the regular island. Hatched not too long ago, and now I ended up with another 48hr wait time on the special island just now. If it's another rainbow, I'll have all the achievements, so here's hoping. :D

Congrats mate, i need a Rainbow to complete have all types and another rainbow to complete the achievements..
Tried Bluefire x Crystal in both my caves and got 24 hrs breeding in both.. have to wait patiently for few hours before i can try reversing the combo..
P.S: I got a Sun couple of days back with the same combo though..
I just got my second Sun dragon, so that makes two Sun and two Moon! I keep one each in the level 3 form, cuz they're so cute that way (even tho they don't earn money as fast.). I'm still trying for a Rainbow dragon to complete my collection!

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