iPF Noob
atrillionmade said:How d you get your sandstorm? Im been trying for das please help!
Mud and air worked for both of mine. Now I breed them together

atrillionmade said:How d you get your sandstorm? Im been trying for das please help!
Of course my second 48 hour was ALSO a Sun (this seems to be a problem for a few people recently - too many of one type, usually the opposite of the one they need/want) so now I have 2 Suns that I'll keep and another egg still incubating, which I'll be selling as soon as I can hatch it (I just dont want to sacrifice any other habitats for ANOTHER Sun).-see post-
Michelin said:A further update from my last post
Of course my second 48 hour was ALSO a Sun (this seems to be a problem for a few people recently - too many of one type, usually the opposite of the one they need/want) so now I have 2 Suns that I'll keep and another egg still incubating, which I'll be selling as soon as I can hatch it (I just dont want to sacrifice any other habitats for ANOTHER Sun).
Michelin said:Thankfully I have another 48 hour breed just recently started so I'm hoping for a Moon even though I am hardly optimistic (such a shame to have lost my excitement over it). It certainly does seem there's a lot of rares coming in lately...even if they aren't exactly the ones we want!
lotusthreads said:I just got another 48 hr egg from my flower and storm combo. So far, the same pair have given me a sun, moon and a rainbowin the last week
dragonuk64 said:I have all the dragons except the elusive rainbow. After weeks of trying and almost giving up I placed a flower and mountain dragon into the epic breeding cave and now have a 48 breeding time! Have I finally cracked it? Should I really be this excited ??
I've been off the post for a few days and I'm back now and glad to see so many rare achievers and thanks for the santa visitor I've been so busy I didn't even notice till you posted it so thanks again, and Breed on!!!Hi all,
It really has been a busy and unpleasant (Christmas errands/shopping and being unwell) few days for me so I haven't had much time to drop in here but today is thankfully a bit better on all fronts, so I wanted to pop in to show you the visitor I just found touring my islands:
View attachment 8133View attachment 8134
YES, it seems that Santa is also a dragon admirer and I caught him checking out my first island!
I just thought you needed to know so you can keep an eye out for him in your park too
In other news:
A further update from my last post
Of course my second 48 hour was ALSO a Sun (this seems to be a problem for a few people recently - too many of one type, usually the opposite of the one they need/want) so now I have 2 Suns that I'll keep and another egg still incubating, which I'll be selling as soon as I can hatch it (I just dont want to sacrifice any other habitats for ANOTHER Sun).
Thankfully I have another 48 hour breed just recently started so I'm hoping for a Moon even though I am hardly optimistic (such a shame to have lost my excitement over it). It certainly does seem there's a lot of rares coming in lately...even if they aren't exactly the ones we want!
Hope you are all having fun and, if I don't get back in before then, Merry Christmas (to those who celebrate it)!
Shavemeshavers said:I thought this looked awesome so I had to share it.